When I was in high school, I used to write stories centered around Heath from the television show The
I was going to be an author. I even had a pen name all picked out. D. W. Dickson. In college, my freshman English class was more about creative writing than how to write a term paper. The class was taught by a grad student, and she just loved what I cranked out. Either that or she didn't want to hurt my feelings. All my papers were marked with accolades and attagirls. I was going to write the great American novel, and skyrocket to the NY Times best sellers list for a gazillion weeks.
I signed up to take a serious writer's class, a craft class. Prospective students had to submit a sample of work which would be evaluated for admission to the class. I turned in my best piece. I was sure I was going to get into this class. Maybe have all my work used as examples of good writing.
A reality check kicked in, and I received my submission back with a note from the professor. He said my baby was ugly. No seat for me. Ouch, Ceej, want some ice for that burn? I coulda been a contendah. Oh, don't feel sorry for me. He was right. The writing was nothing but drivel, and my head was so big I had to wear two cowboy hats.
Today, I was gathering items to go on the dream portion of the altered doll. I wrote out the label author, but it looked so dull. I decided I could make a tiny book. Cut a 1" x 2" scrap of cardstock, fold in half and voilá instant little book. It still looked dull. What to do, what to do?
Just for kicks, I made a book cover using Paint Shop Pro, and my favorite Heath story. Just too funny. So, how do you spell procrastination? PSP