Monday, February 17, 2025

Monet and Me

While looking for an item in the studio, Monet and me came across a project I had done a long time ago. I had made a box of chocolates. The original box I made was crushed, but I had a small box from the treats I bought from the candy house when I went looking for the gold elastic I needed for a project.

The chocolates are made from shiny brown paper and folded into a small folder. When Ma was 16 she worked at a candy factory. She could read the swirls on the top of fancy chocolates which told whether the inside was a cream, nut, nougat, jelly, etc. 

I made swirls for the chocolates using Elmer's glue and walnut ink.

The filling inside the chocolate was/is an accordion folded, strip of Arches Text Wove. A chocolate saying was written with walnut ink. You can see the back of the folder in the photo.

Today's chocolate saying is: Carpe Chocolate

Sunday, February 16, 2025

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Last weekend's storm brought about 3.75 inches of snow

It was heavy with slush

There was lots of low flying planes this weekend. Circling Worcester Airport or heading to Boston's Logan Airport. Going in the wrong direction for any place warm.

On top of the snow, there was a glaze of ice

Under the snow on the driveway, was an ice skating rink. The slush choked the chute of Samwise, the Boat Anchor's snow blower attachment. Ma-Bo was able to clear 1/4 of the driveway so that the Eldest would be able to make it into the driveway after her shift at the hospital.

The slush was a little too much for Samwise, too, as it kept getting stuck even with the plow attachment. He kept yelling Emergency stop when I pressed the Stop button and he screamed Collision Alert, Collision Alert as I Ma--handled the front to get him unstuck. In between speaking in tongues, I wondered if the actual problem was behind the controller.

We seemed to have some weather every other or third day. It was nice to see a beautiful sunset. Red sky at night Ma-Bo's delight.

A gorgeous, almost full moon, but the halo around it made my heart sink. 

In Winter a ring around the moon means snow soon.

A little visitor stopped by after the Eldest got hom.

Ma-Bo cleared the luge run.

And three days later, it's snowing again

How does your garden grow?

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Friday, February 14, 2025

The Friday Five Good Things

Five good things that happened this week

1. The hospital let the Eldest stay overnight so she didn't have to drive through the snowstorm

2. The Boat Anchor couldn't handle the heavy, wet snow. Ma-Bo was able to shovel 1/4 of the driveway and the walk and stairs before her back gave out.

3.Another Tuesday play day instead of the usual Thursday due to another storm

4. Stopped at the Post Office to mail a package. S, my favorite clerk was on duty. I haven't seen her for some time so we had a nice chat

5. Cleaned the flat file and put on a new tablecloth

How was your week?

Thursday, February 13, 2025

TBT: Reprints from CJ's Whine and Cheeze

 In 2003, Ma had a stroke. Dad was her full time caregiver until he he had a car accident that totaled the car. So in 2006, I became their chauffeur among other jobs.

At the time, to deal with the stress of running two households and working, I kept a blog entitled CJ's Whine and Cheeze. Egged on by some friends who enjoyed the first read through, you'll see your part when it comes by.

Monday, October 09, 2006

I've been a bit surprised in my travels with a bottle of whine, how many of us are sandwiched between commitments in our lives: family, parents, work, friends, church, etc. Sometimes it seems no matter how long or fast we dance, we just can't please everyone. So how does one deal with stress and frustration? You just keep on dancing the best you can.

A friend asked if was cathartic. Heck, yeah! And it's cheaper and more fun than therapy too. 😉

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Happy Mail


From my tablemate, L, when we took Reggie Ezell's year long class in 2017, a Valentine. L's art always includes sheep. I'm pleasantly surprised after all this time she still remembers me.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

T Stands for Tea Sampler


Another Tuesday another tea from the sampler. This time Organic Citron Crisp Green Tea. Green tea is more delicate than black tea. According to the temperature chart on the sampler box, green tea is at it's best with the water temperature between 160 and 175 degrees F.  and the tea steeped for 1 to 3 minutes. I prefer a strong cup of tea so steeped for the full 3 minutes.

The tea bag and the wrapper had a pleasantly strong citrus scent. The tea itself didn't have a scent to it and had an earthy taste.  Adding a bit of honey didn't change the earthiness.

The tea wasn't horrible, but I'm not about to give up my usual English Breakfast or Earl Grey teas.

What about you, are you a fan of green tea or no?

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.