Another exercise. In blind contour drawing, you are supposed to look only at what you are drawing and not at your paper.
The Young One and I recently watched Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands. So I thought I'd try my hand at drawing Edward. The Young One didn't recognize the character, but neither did she say "grapes" when I asked her who it was. (I had done a torn paper collage of lilacs for a seating scroll. The Young One was four. I was feeling rather pleased with what I was producing and when she walked by I asked her what it was. She said "grapes" and I went back to the drawing board.)
This technique takes away the "I can't draw a straight line" concept. The idea is to pick up the gist of the image. I really enjoyed this technique and will visit it again. I'll just have to remember to bear down harder with the pencil so the scanner will pick up the image better.
That's so Edward!