Friday, May 3, 2013

The Friday Five

This is a picture of The Young One when she was a dollbaby.

1. Tuesday, was her last day of class for the year. (The more you pay, the less they go.)

2. Which means, she's a Senior! She'll be graduating at this time next year. (God willin', the crick don't rise, she completes her MQP,Capstone, and PE requirements.) Her college years have happened in less than a blink of an eye. I don't remember The Eldest's college years flying by so quickly.

3. In January 2014, she will spend 7 weeks as an intern with a company in Silicon Valley, California as her MQP requirement. (MQP = Major Qualifying Project) Details are still a little sketchy at this point in time. Her group met with the MQP advisor. They will be working for Disney or a Disney owned company. The advisor told them to play Disney games all summer.

4. With the end in sight, Himself will no longer have to fill out forms for FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).  or

5. Tuition Management to figure out the monthly tuition payment.

Though I'm excited for her and the opportunities that lay ahead (She's going to be an Imagineer!), I still wish she was my dollbaby.


  1. That is one sweetly cute dollbaby. Where did the time go?

  2. Oh the horror!!!! FASFA---I still have nightmares! Way cool, an Imagineer! Go get ‘em, Young One!
