Thursday, September 4, 2014

Throwback Thursday, Face 3

Me age 6, 1961
The cup image in the design book, reminded me of first grade. The nuns had us line up in two lines. Boys and then girls. We were then marched to the cafeteria where we were told we were going to get a drink. Visiting nurses were on hand with small paper cups of the polio vaccine. I remember the mouthful of liquid was a pale green. I don't recall that it tasted horrible, but it didn't taste like Kool-Aid, either.

Did you get the polio vaccine at school?

Sharpie pen, watercolor pencil


  1. As I recall we got ours via a sugar cube.....looking back that seems rather disrurbing..... :-/

  2. I like the face. Those nuns were tricky:)
