Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Doodling for Stress Reduction


On Mondays via Zoom, I participate in a class where we spend  a half an hour doodling our stress away.  

A new year, I decided I don't want to be buried in paper so for the Doodle class, I'm doodling digitally using the app Concepts on the iPad. 

That didn't last very long. I forgot to charge up the iPad and iPencil before the class began. So back to pen, paper, and markers

We were instructed to doodle symbols. I had a set of journaling stencils I played with.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

T Stands for Tea Sampler


This week's pick from the tea sampler was a Japanese Sencha. This green tea smelled very earthy. Maybe my taste buds aren't sophisticated enough, but I didn't think the tea had any taste at all. Adding a spoon of honey just made it taste like dirty, hot water and honey. 

Add this one to the no thank you column.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Monet and Me


While looking for an item in the studio, Monet and me came across a project I had done a long time ago. I had made a box of chocolates. The original box I made was crushed, but I had a small box from the treats I bought from the candy house when I went looking for the gold elastic I needed for a project.

The chocolates are made from shiny brown paper and folded into a small folder. When Ma was 16 she worked at a candy factory. She could read the swirls on the top of fancy chocolates which told whether the inside was a cream, nut, nougat, jelly, etc. 

I made swirls for the chocolates using Elmer's glue and walnut ink.

The filling inside the chocolate was/is an accordion folded, strip of Arches Text Wove. A chocolate saying was written with walnut ink. You can see the back of the folder in the photo.

Today's chocolate saying is: I never met a piece of chocolate I didn't like

Sunday, March 2, 2025

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Quill kept an eye on me as I returned from filling the bird feeders

A new month

The ice has melted from the driveway and now it's mud season

A happy Finnegan dances as the snow and ice melt from the front yard

Calli watched me put up the March garden flag

Still a lot of snow on the Tundra

The winds were fierce last week

Some depressing snow flurries as a cold front moves through. Is it July, yet?

Maybe not July, yet, but the days ended with a glorious sunset

How does your garden grow?

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Friday, February 28, 2025

The Friday Five Good Things


Five good things that happened this week.

1. I took an extended lunch to finish watching Leslie Howard in Pimpernel Smith

2.  We watched a dreadful but fun movie Sword of the Valiant: The Legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight starring Sean Connery as the Green Knight.

3. Himself had a late afternoon doctor's appointment so we stopped at Harry's on the way home

4. I spent a pleasant afternoon looking through old pictures for an upcoming project.

5. Another day of running errands and Five Guys for a late lunch.

How was your week?

Thursday, February 27, 2025

TBT: Reprints from CJ's Whine and Cheeze

In 2003, Ma had a stroke. Dad was her full time caregiver until he he had a car accident that totaled the car. So in 2006, I became their chauffeur among other jobs.

At the time, to deal with the stress of running two households and working, I kept a blog entitled CJ's Whine and Cheeze. Egged on by some friends who enjoyed the first read through, you'll see your part when it comes by.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
A One Sided Conversation

You girls won't get a chronic disease by replacing the toilet paper roll when it's empty.

Putting the roll on top of the toilet tank doesn't count as replacing the roll.

You don't know how? C'mon it's not brain surgery.

Don't be a smartass, it's not rocket science either. Release the spindle.

The spindle, the stick that holds the roll in place.

No, you won't prick your finger. You're not a little princess. The spindle has a spring, push it either from the left or the right to take it out of the holder. Take the empty cardboard tube and toss it in the trash or put it in the recycle bin. Place the full roll on the spindle and insert it back into the holder.

Because I won't always be around to replace the toilet paper for you. I'm fine. I just feel a pain forming behind my right eye.

No, changing toilet paper rolls is not an early sign of OPD.

I did not flip the bird at the two of you. I made devil horns.

No, that's a Texas Longhorn.

No, that's the Hawaiian Aloha. Devil's horns. Like this.

Yeah, it is a funny superstition. Grandma did it to me when I was a kid.

Yeah, I laughed until I had you two.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025



One of my colleagues at the museum is moving on to other adventures. I wasn't able to attend her Farewell Tea so I made a notecard for her.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

T Stands for Tea Sampler


I was beginning to think that all the teas in the tea sampler box were herbal tea. This week's pick is Ceylon and India an Orange Pekoe black tea.  The description on the wrapper is Mellow Black Tea. It's a delightful cuppa which reminds me of the Tetley Tea I used to drink. As described a mild tea and perfect with a splash of creamer and sweetener.

This one is a keeper.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Monet and Me

While looking for an item in the studio, Monet and me came across a project I had done a long time ago. I had made a box of chocolates. The original box I made was crushed, but I had a small box from the treats I bought from the candy house when I went looking for the gold elastic I needed for a project.

The chocolates are made from shiny brown paper and folded into a small folder. When Ma was 16 she worked at a candy factory. She could read the swirls on the top of fancy chocolates which told whether the inside was a cream, nut, nougat, jelly, etc. 

I made swirls for the chocolates using Elmer's glue and walnut ink.

The filling inside the chocolate was/is an accordion folded, strip of Arches Text Wove. A chocolate saying was written with walnut ink. You can see the back of the folder in the photo.

Today's chocolate saying is: Forget Love I'd rather fall in chocolate.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Last weekend's storm brought almost 4 inches of snow with a crusty layer of ice. 

Icy rails

The roads were a mess and I was dreading clearing the icy slush left by the backwash of the plow as it went by.

I cleared the front steps

and flipped the switch so the ice would all melt. I wish clearing the driveway was just as easy.

Even if the poor, little Boat Anchor wasn't encased in ice, this snow would have been too wet and heavy for it to push.

Taking a break, the cardinal posed for me to take a picture

This slop was really heavy and hard to move. On my second pass, I had managed to clear the lower quarter of the driveway and was just working on the ice pile at the entrance. Several trucks with plows attached zoomed by me. I would watch as they roared up the street and was wishing one of them would stop just to clear the slop at the end of the driveway. A few times as I saw a plow approach, I would lean tired and forlornly on my shovel trying to look like the poor, old lady I am. Nothing. 

I had cleared enough room to get one car out of the driveway, but still had to clear in front of the mailbox. The post office leaves nasty notes with diagrams that they want a 30 foot clearance.  They'd be lucky to get the area directly in front cleared.

All this time, it was raining, well freezing raining lightly and then it started to pour. I was about to go in when a car pulled up. I thought the people inside would be asking directions on how to get to Old Sturbridge Village, a living museum attraction depicting life in the 1840s. The woman rolled down the passenger window and said, "I know this is going to sound creepy, but you don't have to worry, if you need help my partner will gladly shovel for you."

I debated telling them I was okay when I was clearly not.  Then I thought of that joke where a man "refuses several rescue attempts in the face of approaching floodwaters, each time telling the would-be rescuers that God will save him. After turning down the last, he drowns in the flood. After his death, the man meets God and asks why he did not intervene. God responds that he sent all the would-be rescuers to the man's aid on the expectation he would accept the help, highlighting the axiom that God acts through humans and other earthly entities." [ed: copied from Wikipedia]

"Yes, thank you, I could use your help. You're my heroes today." The man made short work of the area around the driveway.

Himself had called the man who usually plows out Seniors around town, but either he was sick or he was home taking care of sick children. He said he would send over his Eldest to help shovel when he got off working at his grocery store job.

The Young Man was another godsend. He cleared the rest of the driveway. He offered to come back later in the evening, but by then it would be too hard to see. So he said he would come by in the morning.

With all the ice, salt and sand were at a premium and none to be found. The Town lets residents go to the highway department barn to fill their own buckets with the salt/sand mixture the town uses on the roads. I had asked the Young Man if he could get some sand from the town.

The kitties didn't mind the weather

The car tires were welded to the driveway. The Young Man helped spread the sand and we tried to moves the cars, but no luck. He also had to get to work and offered to come back after he was done with his shift. I gave him some empty buckets and asked if he could get more sand.

The Eldest and I used a bag of salt used with the water filtration system to surround the tires hoping the deep layer of salt would free the tires from the ice. The Eldest had to miss her shift at the hospital two days in a row.

She called the automobile club, but they said they didn't do that type of extraction.

I called the regular number of the fire department and talked to a female firefighter to ask if they had any other suggestions that we could try. Sand, salt. Not working. She asked if we had tried hot water. Yup, didn't help. She suggested calling the towing company.

I tried them, too, but like the auto club, they didn't want the liability of damaging the car.

Himself called his Youngest Brother who came. By then some of the salt must have worked. He had some difficulty, but he was able to move both cars so the Eldest was able to get to work.

Besides snow, sleet, and freezing rain, the winds were fierce. Tons of branches from the neighbor's arbor vitae were blown across the backyard like seaweed at low tide.

The Back Tundra

With another weekend approaching, a red sky at night. With the promise of nice weather, temperatures are supposed to warm up too so all this crap can melt.

How does your garden grow?

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Happy, Little, Time Waster


How the English language would sound if silent letters weren’t silent - BBC

Friday, February 21, 2025

The Friday Five Good Things


Five good things that happened this week.

1. We DoorDashed Valentine's Dinner from a new to us Italian restaurant next town over. Dinner was very yummy and abbondanza. We each got 3 meals out of our dinners.

2. I got a Valentine's Day greeting and chat with the Young One.

3. I received a notice that the cat food order would arrive on Saturday instead of Wednesday  of the weather across the country.

4. I was just leaving to go grocery shopping and to pick up some cans of cat food, when UPS brought the package to the door. On Wednesday

5. I hate grocery shopping. Himself usually does that chore, but he's having issues with his knee and can't get around. So I had to go shopping. As I was going around the store I was thinking Look at you! Grocery shopping and sh stuff. You deserve a medal girl!

How was your week?

Thursday, February 20, 2025

TBT: Reprints from CJ's Whine and Cheeze

In 2003, Ma had a stroke. Dad was her full time caregiver until he he had a car accident that totaled the car. So in 2006, I became their chauffeur among other jobs.

At the time, to deal with the stress of running two households and working, I kept a blog entitled CJ's Whine and Cheeze. Egged on by some friends who enjoyed the first read through, you'll see your part when it comes by.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
On a Serious Note

As much as I laugh about OPD, it's also a cover up. It's so hard to watch your parents age and in the aging fail in health. Through illness they are no longer able to do and enjoy some of the activities they once enjoyed. Sometimes they focus more on what they have lost instead of what they still have. I suppose we are all guilty of that.

It's hard being the child and suddenly having to be parent to your parents. You worry did they leave the stove on, or forget medication, or will get into a car accident. They don't handle money as well as they once did. And it's hard to know the boundaries. How do you tell them to give up their independence by handing over the check book or the car keys? Most of all, you want to scream, "Not my monkey!" (translation: not my responsibility), but if not mine whose?

I'm not an evil person because I laugh about OPD. I'm scared. It might not be very long before someone drops a nursing home on me.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Happy Mail

Sandwiched between a snowstorm and the car excise tax bill some Happy Mail from Finnbadger at Envelope 100 A Star Wars wanted poster for Princess Leia. After all these years, I never knew she had a last name. Finn added fun Star Wars stamps of two droids, BB 8 and IG. I love when there's a coordinating theme with the stamps.

In 2021 the USPS issued Star Wars stamps that featured droids from the movies. The stamps were to celebrate the 50th anniversary the 50th anniversary of Lucasfilm, the studio that created the franchise.

Finnbadger likes cardinals. He got a new address stamp which featured his address in a circle with the cardinal in the center. Perfectly pressed, too.

Thanks, Finn, you made a bright spot in my week.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

T Stands For Tea Sampler


This week's pick from the tea sampler was the exotic Egyptian Chamomile. This tea smelled like grass. No, not the kind you smoke, but the kind you mow. I didn't think the tea had any taste at all. Adding a spoon of honey just made it taste like hot water and honey. 

Add this one to the no thank you column.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Monet and Me

While looking for an item in the studio, Monet and me came across a project I had done a long time ago. I had made a box of chocolates. The original box I made was crushed, but I had a small box from the treats I bought from the candy house when I went looking for the gold elastic I needed for a project.

The chocolates are made from shiny brown paper and folded into a small folder. When Ma was 16 she worked at a candy factory. She could read the swirls on the top of fancy chocolates which told whether the inside was a cream, nut, nougat, jelly, etc. 

I made swirls for the chocolates using Elmer's glue and walnut ink.

The filling inside the chocolate was/is an accordion folded, strip of Arches Text Wove. A chocolate saying was written with walnut ink. You can see the back of the folder in the photo.

Today's chocolate saying is: Carpe Chocolate

Sunday, February 16, 2025

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Last weekend's storm brought about 3.75 inches of snow

It was heavy with slush

There was lots of low flying planes this weekend. Circling Worcester Airport or heading to Boston's Logan Airport. Going in the wrong direction for any place warm.

On top of the snow, there was a glaze of ice

Under the snow on the driveway, was an ice skating rink. The slush choked the chute of Samwise, the Boat Anchor's snow blower attachment. Ma-Bo was able to clear 1/4 of the driveway so that the Eldest would be able to make it into the driveway after her shift at the hospital.

The slush was a little too much for Samwise, too, as it kept getting stuck even with the plow attachment. He kept yelling Emergency stop when I pressed the Stop button and he screamed Collision Alert, Collision Alert as I Ma--handled the front to get him unstuck. In between speaking in tongues, I wondered if the actual problem was behind the controller.

We seemed to have some weather every other or third day. It was nice to see a beautiful sunset. Red sky at night Ma-Bo's delight.

A gorgeous, almost full moon, but the halo around it made my heart sink. 

In Winter a ring around the moon means snow soon.

A little visitor stopped by after the Eldest got hom.

Ma-Bo cleared the luge run.

And three days later, it's snowing again

How does your garden grow?

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Friday, February 14, 2025

The Friday Five Good Things

Five good things that happened this week

1. The hospital let the Eldest stay overnight so she didn't have to drive through the snowstorm

2. The Boat Anchor couldn't handle the heavy, wet snow. Ma-Bo was able to shovel 1/4 of the driveway and the walk and stairs before her back gave out.

3.Another Tuesday play day instead of the usual Thursday due to another storm

4. Stopped at the Post Office to mail a package. S, my favorite clerk was on duty. I haven't seen her for some time so we had a nice chat

5. Cleaned the flat file and put on a new tablecloth

How was your week?