Sunday, October 7, 2007

Calligraphy School - Class 2, Continued

After we had painted in our letter, we were supposed to doodle around it with the Pigma pen and make a sort of modern illuminated initial. By the time I reached this point, it was near the end of class, and my brain was pretty much fried. I also didn't want to wreck my letter. So, I made photocopies of the letter and last night before going to bed, I finished the assignment. The doodle style is based on a Australian mail art award I won (brag, brag). The certificate was done by Karen Ter Haar, Cecilia Sharpley, and Diane Ting.


  1. I see a jack o'lantern in there - very clever!

  2. Very busy! I like the pumpkin! And the checkerboard.

  3. Photocopied? What a perfectionist! *grin* Looks VERY cool though... Fun stuff to devise all the different patterns.

  4. That is really awesome! Glad you won too. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. I won't be visiting my mother this weekend. I stil need to stay with Lou. He has really had a rough time of it with the surgery. He is in so much pain. Lou even screams at night. He says he doesn't know it. Probably best he doesn't. I wish I could take some of his pain. Well you take care. P.S. Your very talented, my friend.
    hugs to you,
