Thursday, November 8, 2007

I'm It!

Dollydonna tagged me

Two names you go by: CJ, Ceej

Two things you are wearing right now: socks and fugly blue shoes

Two of your favorite things to do: play on the computer and art

Two things you want very badly at the moment: The bathroom to be finished and hot summer weather.

Two favorite pets you have/had: Mitty, charcoal grey and white cat with mittens, was hit by a car 10 yrs ago. Ink,Cat And Mouse Tail black cat, now snoozing on the quilt on my bed.

Two people who will fill this out: Thinking Tamsin? Maybe I should tag Donna so she'll blog Winky

Two people you last talked to: in person the Young One and Prissy, on the phone Al and the CPAP rep

Two longest trips: Germany (when the country was divided into East and West), California

Two favorite holidays: Halloween and Easter, all that candy!Chocolate Bunny

Two favorite beverages: Pepsi and iced tea (but not that gawdawful sweet tea they drink down South)Just Kidding

Feel free to play along. Just let me know so I can read your answers.Have fun !


  1. I'll play. Anything to procrastinate writing. :) And do tag Donna...she needs to blog.

  2. Germany is calling you back!!!

  3. Um, has anyone actually LOOKED at my blog in the last couple of weeks. I do believe I have blogged several times without being tagged. Then, again, I could be wrong but it doesn't happen often. :)
