Here are the Meme questions:
1. List three things you would do with a chest full of gold (assuming you got to keep it!)
Pay for my girls college education.
Pay off the mortgage, home equity loan, and credit card
Buy DVDs, books and art supplies.
2. List three charities/missions/organizations you support (and why).
Holy Name Central Catholic Jr. Sr. High School, the school my girls attend (The Eldest graduated 2 yrs ago). We support the school fund raisers, bake for the after concert teas - investing in the future through education.
Hmmm, a little weak in this area. Most of the disposable income goes to tuition. (-;
3. List three ways you have volunteered your time/services.
I chauffeur my elderly parents to doctor's appointments, errands and trips to Mahket Basket. Read about our antics at Whine and Cheeze (shameless plug)
I have coffee at least once a week with my elderly neighbor. Also help her solve the mysteries of the DVD player, plumbing leaks, telephone, telephone answering machines, billing questions...(She's at Whine also. Look for the tag Prissy. (-;)
Recently created an award for Himself's top freshman Chemistry student. Scroll down to see the Award (Another shameless plug! LOL)
4. List three things you keep "hidden" when company comes over.
My bedroom, clutter gets tossed in that room so the door is firmly kept shut. Nature tends toward entropy
The playroom/studio because I don't always put my toys away.
The pantry
5. List the last three things you've lost.
The gold from Meme question #1. The shop has called twice about problems with the car. Everytime they call there's a new needs fixin': shocks, tie rod, brake caliper, rotors...k'ching, k'ching
The two oblique penholders I wanted to bring in to class for my advanced calligraphy student
The Zanerian Book of Engrossing I wanted to bring in to class for my advanced calligraphy student.
6. List the last three things you've found.
The two oblique penholders. They were in the drawer where I thought they were even though I looked through that drawer twice!
The Zanerian Book of Engrossing. Found that in the bag I take to class. I never took the book out from the last class.
Ink's new hidey hole. There's a small chest of drawers for hats, mittens, and purses/totes in the front closet. The chest is hidden by the coats and jackets. I moved the coats aside to get my jacket, and jumped back with a start when two large yellow eyes were staring at me.
This meme is part of a promotion for Tricia Goyer's book, A Whisper of Freedom.
****Three brave "players" will be selected at random to win their own lost gold (Gourmet chocolate coins and all three books in the Chronicles of the Spanish Civil War series). To enter all you have to do is answer the MEME on your blog and then leave a comment on Tricia’s blog tour post here http://triciagoyer.blogspot.com/2008/03/whisper-of-freedom-meme-sticky-post.html
I Found the Meme on Erica's page. Visit Erica to read her Meme answers and then give the Meme a try on your blog.
Thanks for playing! :)
ReplyDeleteLove that you found Ink's newest hidey hole.
Maybe you should come here and find the missing school key I have to turn in on Friday and the CD case to a Barry Manilow tape a week overdue at the library.
ReplyDeleteI am beginning to think my house is a portal to the "Land of Lost Things."
Oh, and I LOVED your answers...LOL!