Friday, January 7, 2011

The Friday Five

The image is a genuine Round Tuit. Have you ever wondered about the things you would do, if you got a Round Tuit? Five things I would do if I got a Round Tuit:

1. I would clean and organize the basement.

2. I would make a final color choice to paint the kitchen.

3. I would practice my German beyond, "ausgezeichnet", "wie schade", "tut mir leid", and "alles Gute zum Geburtstag."

4. I would plan a Zen garden

5. I would finish the Altered Dream Doll.

What are some things you would do, if you got a Round Tuit?


  1. Uh oh....if only I knew what it was, then maybe I'd know what to do if I got one. However, NOT knowing, means I have no idea how to react. I'm such a social nerd.

  2. I would clean and organize my closet.

  3. I need some serious get a round tuit time to organize the office, the spare bedroom, downstairs...

    Just how big is this round tuit?
