Saturday, May 13, 2017

So Big

Monday, May 8, Morning Glories (left) Moonflowers (right)
In one week's time, the morning glories and moonflowers have gotten so big. If the weather warms up and it stops raining, I'll be able to transplant the seedlings outside.

Saturday, May 13, Moonflowers (left) and Morning Glories (right)


  1. Ain't nature grand??? They look great! :D

  2. Loving the growth. Its so exciting to see all the signs of summer. And you know exactly how many days...:) happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. I'm surprised how quickly they grew. And Summer is my season. I've been counting down since the last day of Summer last year :-D

  3. Oh Moon Flowers, so pretty and exotic.
    Morning Glories are too but they're prolific little suckers. I keep pulling them out of my garden.

    1. I had moonflowers one year. The blooms were as large as dinner plates. Morning glories are annuals. Are you sure you're not pulling up wild morning glories also called Devil's Weed? They look like morning glories, but the blossoms are pastel and the climb counterclockwise. They tend to choke out anything in their path

  4. Fantastic! Looking great! I love seeing things come to life!

  5. They arw looking great. It's always wonderful to see the plants growing. Valerie
