This afternoon, I took the...not sure whether to call it a sculpture or a doll. Anyway, I took my altered box doll sculpture (just to cover all the bases) to the Worcester Art Museum where I teach beginner calligraphy to adults. Each Spring, the faculty participates in an art show. This year, the show was called a Do It Yourself - Work in Progress, and we had to hang or install our work ourselves.
I wasn't sure if there would be a hook where I could hang the doll. Fortunately, she can sit without tipping over so I found a stand, right up front in the Higgins Education Wing. Tee hee.
I ran into some engineering problems while I was setting her up. Isn't that the way it works? She worked fine at home, but on her stand in the museum, her head fell forward. I had brought some double stick tape with me, and was trying to shim her head to her neck. Wouldn't you know I picked a stand that was just a tad too tall for me to work at?
I moved further down the hall to a stand I could work comfortably at while standing up, but the lighting wasn't very good. Besides, my colleague, Callinana's piece was hanging on the wall near the first stand so I moved back. No one else was installing their work so no one hollered at me to just pick a spot and stick with it. My boss did walk by and scared the juice out of me when she said hello.
Finally, I got the doll all sitting pretty and took a couple of snaps of her. The front and inside are not finished. The label by the pink butterfly pin reads "Dream". The back, nightmares, is complete.

The show will run from from 11. April to 4. May 2008. The artist reception will coincide with the Education Department Open House on 17. April 2008 from 5:30 to 7:00 PM. If you're in the area stop on by to say "hey", see some amazing works of art in progress, have an hors d'oeuvre or two, and maybe sign up to take a class. Calligraphy I/II on Monday nights, 6:30 to 9:30PM, 12. May to 30. June 2008 would be a good choice. (-;
She's lovely. Not an emperor in sight!