Another happy little time waster from Facebook. Here are the ABC's of Me
A - Age: 53
B - Bed size: Full
C - Chore you hate: Dusting
D - Dad's name: Dad
E - Essential start your day item: a cup of tea
F - Favorite color: blue
G - Gold or Silver: gold
H - Height: 5' 1 1/2" if I stand up straight
I - Instruments you play(ed): guitar, piano, kazoo
J - Job title: I. M. G. S. (interactive media graphic specialist) though I also answer to Her Serene Highness
K - Kangroos or Koala Bears?: koala bears
L - Living arrangements: very comfortable
M - Mom's name: Ma
N - Nicknames: Bones, The Kid, CJ, Ceej
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: one surgery
P - Pet Peeve: Computers that boot slow
Q - Quote from a movie: "We keep you alive to serve this ship. Row well and live." (Ben Hur)
R - Right or left handed: Left
S - Siblings: The Brother
T - Time you wake up: About 5:45am
U- Underwear: sometimes
V - Vegetable you dislike: onion
W - Ways you run late: if I'm working on a project, I lose track of time.
X - X-rays you've had: teeth, ankle, chest, wrist
Y - Yummy food you make: shrimp Creole
Z - Zoo favorite: Bears
Sometimes? TMI! :))