Another happy time waster borrowed from D. at Facebook
Whats your dream house?
A Dutch colonial with a sunroom and a Dutch kitchen door.
Where would you be able to spend hours and be happy?In the sunroom
What's your favorite doughnut?
Bavarian Creme
Do you know how to cook?
Do you like icecream?
I can take it or leave it
Who posts the most on your news feed?
Don't know.
Who doesn't post enough on your news feed?
Don't know.
Have you been in a close to death situation?
At what age do you want to die?
At the last age I attain
What is the color of your room?
How big is your house?
The size of a dollhouse
What do expect for your future?
Being upright and breathing
Do you have any allergies?
Yes, latex, pollen, cats
How many times do you hugs people in a week?
I hug my family, but I'm not much of a hugger.
Are you a facebook addict?
Not really, but I enjoy it
Do you believe in God?
What is your fave type of underwear?
plain, comfortable cotton, no lace
Do you like snow?
Winter or summer?
definitely Summer
When are weddings better when its cold or hot?
What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
There have been so many
Do you believe in ghosts?
Not sure
How old are you?
What is your favorite sport?
Art is my favorite contact sport
What was the last movie you saw?
The Rock
Copy and paste if you want to play and let me know.
I don't have an answer to a lot of these, so I'm skipping some...
ReplyDeleteWhere would you be able to spend hours and be happy? the mountains...
Do you know how to cook?
If given time and energy
Do you like icecream?
Sure, partial to shakes lately
Have you been in a close to death situation?
Just felt like it... Do accidents count?
At what age do you want to die?
Before I get too far gone...
What is the color of your room?
Which room? Which colors? Color is AWESOME!
How big is your house?
900 sq ft. up and down
What do expect for your future?
more pain from the district
Do you have any allergies?
Cats and dust... and something else to be id-ed this summer
How many times do you hugs people in a week?
depends on the week, lately a lot with condolence hugs
Are you a facebook addict?
Do you believe in God?
What is your fave type of underwear?
Don't really have one...
Do you like snow?
Winter or summer?
When are weddings better when its cold or hot?
Weddings are good whenever
What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
my family and friends
Do you believe in ghosts?
yep, one visited recently
How old are you?
What is your favorite sport?
Scheduled for the 25th. :)