Tuesday, November 15, 2016

What Meal

did your family serve that you hated as a kid and have never eaten as an adult?

For me it was Liver. The thought of it is as bad as the smell. There was some battle about not being able to leave the table until I ate a tiny piece of liver. Have no clue who won that particular battle other than I'm here and not still sitting at the dinner table. Ma never cooked any kind of offal (organ meat) for The Brother or me after that.

I remind my girlies how lucky they are that organ meat will never cross our dinner table. Doubly lucky Himself hates organ meat, too.


  1. What a little cutie. And that smile has all kinds of mischief in it.
    The HH used to have to sit at the table for hours after everyone else had left. His parents didn't discover the unwanted food behind the stove for many years:)

  2. ink, de food servizz gurl sayz ...pot pies....everee variety.....

    UGH :(

    1. That's the second dislike food I've heard. Another friend hated Finnan Haddie which you guys would devour. The number 1 hated food, was liver

  3. When my mother was a child the only time she ever wore an apron was when there was liver for dinner. She would cut it up in tiny little pieces and slip it into the pocket of the apron to feed to her cat later. How my grandmother never figured it out is beyond me!

    1. I suppose your mother never let you wear an apron at the dinner table, or if she did, the apron had no pockets? :-D

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks. One of the few pictures of myself I like. I was 4 years old.
