Saturday, December 3, 2016

Bird Bath

Besides feeding the birds during the Winter, they also need drinking water. We found a black, dish basin which fits nicely on the stone bird bath. The basin has a rolled edge which will make a good perch.

The basin is deeper than I wanted, but what we could find. The idea is that the black plastic will absorb some of the sunlight and retain some heat. Instead of a suggested tennis ball, I found a cute, rubber ducky to keep the water moving and to prevent the water from freezing solid. (Hopefully!)

The weather has been pretty mild so freezing has not been an issue. If the weather stays like this for the rest of the Winter, you'll hear no complaints from me.

I haven't seen the birds perch on the basin to take a drink. Maybe they're getting their water from other sources. They don't seem to mind the ducky as they fly to the feeder. The herd of turkey hens that showed up this afternoon wasn't bothered by the ducky, either.


  1. What a clever idea. I like the idea, and know that black reflects heat, but didn't realize the ducky kept the water moving, especially when there's wind. Glad to see you are as concerned about the environment as I am. I've only seen water heaters, but that requires an outdoor electrical outlet. I think your idea is far better.

    1. I had read an article about feeding birds through the Winter. They did suggest and electric bird bath. While we do have an outside electrical source, the miser in me cringed with having to keep the bird bath running day and night. With two adult girls in the household up all hours of the night with electronics, the electric bill is already through the roof. Another article suggested lining a bird bath with black plastic trash bags. My basin idea was just a lazy version.

  2. Love the river duck - it will make the bird bath cheerful in the dead of winter even when there are no birds around.

  3. Love the river duck - it will make the bird bath cheerful in the dead of winter even when there are no birds around.

    1. I like the ducky, too, Finn. Kinda funny to see him (or maybe her) bobbing around.

  4. The duck is perfect! If for nothing else, the entertainment value! I'd love to be there and see how the birds react to it!

    1. Looking out the window and seeing the ducky in his pond, quacks me up (-; The birds don't pay him any attention as they are more interested in the bird seed. Haven't seen any of them investigate the water, yet.

  5. Thanks so much for this idea! I think it's great!!!
