Thursday, October 17, 2024



It's been a while since I've been able to post 42. I haven't seen as many as I have in the past. Maybe I'm just not paying attention. 

Harvey came through for me with not one, but three! Would it count as 4 if you read the year in the date backwards?

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Doodling for Stress Reduction


On Mondays via Zoom, I participate in a class where we spend  a half an hour doodling our stress away. 

The leader said she was inspired by stones she saw on a recent trip to the beach.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

T Stands for Convo with Ma

A couple of weeks after Ma's September 2nd birthday, we made the annual trip for a visit. I could just hear her.

"You visit people you don't know, but you don't visit me."

I had to laugh because it was true. In May Teague and I went on a cemetery hop to Watertown to look for a relative of hers, and the last week of August while on our trip to New Hampshire, I talked Teague into visiting the grave of actor, Claude Rains. To make matters worse, I posted the story about Claude Rains on Ma's birthday, September 2.

"Now, Ma, we visit you at least 4 times during the year. We visit sometime between Easter and Mother's Day, around your wedding anniversary on the Fourth of July, around your birthday in September, and shortly after Thanksgiving before the snow flies to bring you a wreath for Christmas.

You are never forgotten. Besides, I never bring flowers to the people I don't know."

I pulled a rose from Ma's bouquet for Dad.

After visiting the cemetery, we stopped at the Cracker Barrel Restaurant for breakfast. I had their version of an Arnold Palmer which is half ice tea and half lemonade. I think they held a tea bag over the glass.

It was still unseasonably warm so no roaring fire in the gas fireplace. (No complaints from me on the hot weather, but Andy had been whining about it. 🎃)

Country kitsch on the walls so you can feel the love.

No matter what time of day you visit, you can get breakfast. I had scrambled eggs, bacon, fried apples, biscuits and gravy, and what I love most about breakfast at Cracker Barrel are the grits. Himself ordered deep fried pickles as an appetizer, but pickles early in the morning are not for me. He thoughtfully ordered beignets. There was also lots of food to take home, too.

No visit is complete without stopping in their gift shop. I was hoping to find some cool Halloween stuff. I mean it was only the middle of September and there was a disappointing table of Halloween stuff.

There wasn't a lot of Fall/Autumn stuff either.

The rest of the store was brimming with Christmas displays. Three months before Christmas! I only took this picture because the hedgehogs reminded me of Tiggy, my friend from Scotland.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Monet and Me

planted some Fern Leaf Bleeding heart seeds and 

some Old-Fashioned Bleeding Heart seeds. Anne and model, Teddy, from Anne's Creative Cornucopia sent the seeds to me. Again. 

They sent some seeds last year, but for some reason they didn't take.

The seeds have to be sprinkled in the soil before the first frost as the seeds must go through Winter. The Weather Dudettes are saying we might get a frost the day after I scheduled this post. So the seeds had to be planted toot sweet. I won't know until the Spring if the seeds took. Fingers crossed.

Anne and Teddy, thank you for collecting and sending the seeds again.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Himself has been working hard to put the garden to bed for Winter. The corn was harvested and corn stalks gone. No more pumpkins or squash. The nasturtiums are holding on.

The sedem is tired

The cosmos and

cornflowers give one last hurrah

to the tired and sad mum

How does your garden grow?

Friday, October 11, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things

 Five good things that happened this week

1. I made a few and ate more than a few of the acorn treats

2. Under a pile in the office, I found something I had been looking for

3. My SIL texted me the date of the annual December family gathering.

4. I planted some bleeding heart seeds

5. Play day at Teague's, and we made plans for another runaway trip.

How was your week?