This is a slightly different take on Erica's Friday Five, Five Favorite Musicals and Kaye's Fun Friday spotlighting State Fair
I'm not a big fan of musicals. I almost feel anti-American in light of those who chimed in how much they loved musicals. There are a few I enjoy: The King and I, Pippin, the Music Man. Muppet's Christmas Carol, Wizard of Oz. There are some I'll even admit to liking: Oliver, Sound of Music, Fiddler on the Roof But for the most part, I don't like musicals. So today, seven reason's why I don't like musicals:
1. Singing detracts from the drama. I gotta wash that man right outta my hair. For heaven sake's don't sing about it, pull up your big girl panties and give that man the brush!
2. Real cowboys don't sing. Real cowboys sing Git along little dogie and sing badly. Just listen to Charlton Heston in Will Penny singing Git along little dogie. He sings and sings badly. Real cowboys don't sing junk about a surrey with fringe on top. Yeah, I know there was a whole group of singing cowboy's. Roy Rogers, Gene Autry. Don't care much for them either. You don't hear the Duke singing Outta My Way, Pilgrim.
3. It's embarrassing to watch Clint Eastwood paint his wagon. I'm glad he learned his lesson and went on to do the man with no name movies without singing his lines. Real cowboys just don't sing.
3. Lumberjacks don't sing either. Otherwise, it sounds like I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok. I want to wear a bra just like my dear papa.
4. Soldiers lustily singing We'll follow the Old Man wherever he wants to go ain't goin' my way. Soldiers sing cadence. I heard 'em when I was a kid visiting my brother who was in basic training at Fort Dix, NJ. Your eyes are straight. Your pants are tight. Your er...boys are swinging from left to right. Sound off! One, two. Sound off! Three four. Bring it on down. One, two, three, four. One two. Three four.
5. The heroines seem so ditzy when they sing.
6. Heroes too.
7. I saved the best reason for last. Cats. What was the point? Two thumbs pointing way down to the litter box.
Anyone else out there dislike musicals?
I hated Cats even before yesterday. I either really like a musical or won't bother with it.