Friday, July 16, 2010

The Friday Five

Five surprises that happened this week:

1. The Eldest finally got her license. She took the car to work on her first solo trip and I survived!

2. While pulling some weeds, I saw a flash of pink. Turns out, a petunia from last year seeded itself.

3. I enjoy watching while working the back to back episodes of Supernatural on TNT in the morning. Monday, TNT decided to change the lineup and run a stupid Closer marathon.

4. It's been very hot and humid for the past week or so. Not that I mind the heat/humidity. Yesterday, after some showers there was a delicious breeze. So nice to open up the sun room windows before a return to heat and humidity.

5. WPI notified The Young One she scored high enough (either a 4 or 5) on the AP Calc exam and would receive credit for two calculus classes.

Any surprises for you this week?


  1. You survived the first solo car drive! Woo-hoo! That's a milestone, right there.

    Did you design that pretty twitter button? I love it!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. You had a big enough week for me.

  3. Congrats to the girls! Woohoo!

    Surprise this galley proofs in and out in just two days. :)

  4. Not a surprise exactly but a good thing, my son got his driver's lic. a week ago-yay.
