Friday, August 13, 2010

The Friday Five

My friend, Bev, recently visited Boston in England and she sent me a post card. Thanks Bev, I love it! I think she was hinting that this Boston was "the real one." This week's Friday Five is how similar Boston in England is to Boston, Massachusetts.

Starting in the upper left corner is Strait Bargate which looks like a pedestrian shopping mall. Continuing clockwise is The Marina, The Market Place and St. Botolph's Church

1. Boston, MA has Old North Church. You know, "the one if by land and two if by sea" church. That's a statue of Paul Revere in the foreground.

2. Boston, MA has a harbor, too. Here, The USS Constitution fires a 21 gun salute as she makes her annual harbor turnaround cruise on July 4. "Old Ironsides" is the world's oldest commissioned warship.

3. Haymarket Square is home to an open air produce market Friday afternoon and Saturday, year round

4. The produce market is located behind Fanueil (rhymes with Flannel) Hall/Quincy Market Place, an pedestrian shopping mall with upscale stores, and street performers.

5. Both cities are spelled the same.

Is your city or town named after a city or town in "the old country"?


  1. When my son met his former girlfriend a few years ago in Australia, it was kind of a conversation opener.... where are you from? a small place in Canada, Langley. Where are you from? a small place in Somerset, England - Langley.....!

    Hmmm another anonymous post from Bev -from ABC2010 conference in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

  2. Yup, Rochester MN is named after Rochester NY which was named after Rochester England, in Kent, at the confluence of the Thames and the Medway.
