One of the tools, I can't seem to live without is Evernote. Evernote is a free utility that allows you to capture things you find on the web. You can organize your findings into notebooks to capture ideas, things you like, your interests, anything.
Yeah, it sounds a bit like Pinterest, but doesn't have the sketchy copyright in its terms of use and service. Unlike Pinterest, the original URL from the page you like is saved. Many Pinterest users simply repin items from the home board so the original URL gets lost.
I especially love the fact that Evernote is not only available on my desktop, but my laptop, iPhone, and iPad. I can find or save anything no matter whether I'm at my desk, in a waiting room, or in the kitchen. I can also share my notebooks or a note. Evernote allows users to share notes via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, email. Convenient if you are working on a group project. Ok, go check out Evernote.
I wish I was half as tech savvy as you are. sigh.