Tuesday, November 3, 2015

One For The Money...

So, the reason I didn't complete my self imposed doodle challenge was the need to create a piece for the Worcester Art Museum faculty art show. I thought at the faculty meeting held in September, the faculty art show would be held in the Spring. It's always been held during the Spring in the past. Plenty of time to work on something.

A call for artwork and insurance release form arrived in the mail. Artwork was to be brought to the museum the week of Halloween. Say what? Last day to submit a piece for the show was Monday, The show would run from mid-November through February. Longer than the Spring show and hopefully, would be good advertisement for prospective students for the classes that are offered.

First thing to think aboout is a quote or poem. There was a poem I had in an old cross-stitch magazine. It was about telling a family's history through buttons. Picked buttons from the button box and started laying out the poem. Realized this poem was probably too ambitious at this time. I'd never be able to get it framed in time. Lots of problems to work out such as how to adhere shank buttons. Could buttons be sewn on.  Save this piece for another time.

Pick another quote. Flipped through the my quote book. Decided on:

"Use what talent you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry van Dyke

I had an old 8 inch by 10 inch picture frame. All I'd need to do was cut a backing board for it and add picture hanging hardware. I could do that.

I like working on a paper called Diploma Parchment. It's a lovely, creamy paper. Not the crappy mottled stuff you find in hobby or art stores. This paper takes both ink, paint, and gold well. I wanted to gild an illuminated initial on this piece. Took a sample of paper with me and ran to Michael's to find a pre-cut mat that would closely match the color of the paper. I was good to go.