Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March Seasonal Tree

The decorations started out as a St. Patrick's Day and Easter tree, but things quickly got out of hand with all that is going on this March.

1st   Rabbit, rabbit. White rabbit. Because that's what you say on the first of the month. Meteorological Spring begins today. Hooray! Looks like March is coming in like a lamb. Hope it doesn't go out as a lion. And today is Super Tuesday. If you live in a state which holds the primary election today, get out and vote!

Both my classes at the museum are running. I'll be teaching calligraphy Wednesday nights and Thursday afternoons for the entire 5 weeks of the month.

9th There's a total solar eclipse taking place. You have to be in East Asia, South Asia and Australia in order to see it. But I bet it will have a full moon effect on the rest of us. Prepare for the crazies to come out of the woodwork

13th Spring Forward. Return to Daylight Savings Time.

13th - 19th. Himself and the Young One will be on Spring Break

14th Fly your Geek flag and celebrate Pi Day.

17th St. Patrick's Day and my dad's birthday. Dad would have been 97. Happy Birthday, Pal.

20th Vernal Equinox. Sun room weather can't be far behind.

27th Easter