Thursday, August 4, 2016

Throwback Thursday - The Notebooks

Uncle Vincent was a barber and so was Uncle Louie. Uncle Vincent also taught violin. He was ambitious and went to law school, [ed: Suffolk University School of Law], graduated [ed: 1923] and established his own office. He did well. From the beginning.

I met a judge in chambers on a case and asked me if I practiced alone or with someone and I said that I did train with my uncle. When he heard the name he lit up. He knew Uncle [ed: in the early 1960s Uncle Vincent was appointed a judge at the East Boston Municipal Court] and told me that in earlier years The Bar met regularly and he would play the piano and Uncle sang. He was an excellent baritone, Uncle Louie was a tenor. My mother was a singer in her own right, a high alto.

So much for the preliminary.