Saturday, April 8, 2017

Mixing Well Covers

Part of the homework for 26 Seeds was to paint a color wheel. Reggie suggested going to the hardware store to have plexiglass cut for covers to keep the plastic palettes clean. Remember my word this year is frugal so I wanted to think what I had around that could serve the purpose.

I've heard of people using cleaned styrofoam from meat trays but didn't have any on hand. Looking around I found a bunch of old MRI films from when The Young One injured her shoulder at karate. I've used a couple of them to cover the work table while doing messy work. They were thin and would do the trick.

I traced the palette with a black marker, cut, and covered. An elastic band to hold the cover in place will be perfect.


  1. Cool idea! You have lots of trays for all those colors. I bet those films will work great. Cheaper than buying plexiglass for sure. Hugs-Erika

    1. I thought it would work well to keep things dust free. Lots of colors because for homework we had to mix primary, secondary, and tertiary colors, plus tints and shades

  2. Very clever! :D What's the old saying...."Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

  3. You are ingenious. I love this recycled idea. It fits right in with my Earth month recycling projects. GREAT job!

    You said "I tried visiting the links from your lefthand list today and it worked for me."

    YES, THOSE work, but "Blogs I love to visit," the ones with the icons like you show as "Favorite blogs" on your right sidebar, are all gone. GONE. And I can't add any in blogger, either. It wouldn't accept yours the day I tried to add it.

    1. I knew you would really like this post.

      That's odd because this morning, I could leave a comment and I also tried to visit a link from your Blogs I love to Visit. I was able to visit And Then We Set It On Fire. Had no problems getting to the page. Now I went to try again, and no clickable links. I've been trying to hunt for answers but haven't found anything yet. Hope you hear from Blogger,soon.
