Friday, January 29, 2016

The Friday Five Good Things

Five good things that happened this week.

1. Calls to and from my iPhone were breaking up after I updated the iOS. Did a soft reset before contacting tech help. Reset worked. Haven't lost my programmer's touch. When in doubt, turn it off and turn it back on.

2. The Young One and I had lunch at Panera. At home, we settled in to watch The Husbands of River Song, the 12th. Doctor's Christmas special. I had seen it, but the Young One hadn't.

3. Two week check on the hardware for my bionic tooth. So far, everything is A-Ok.

4. I celebrated National Chocolate Cake Day with a chocolate cupcake.

5. My new eyeglasses came in earlier than expected. Blessed be! I can see!

How was your week?