Friday, January 16, 2015

The Friday Five Good Things

Five good things that happened this week.

1.I cleaned the silverware drawer. No more crumbs. No one has noticed but me, and I've been taking such a perverse pride in the shine that appears when the drawer is opened.

2. The first test of keeping the house company ready happened over the weekend. A college friend of The Young One needed a ride from the airport. She invited him to supper before he returned to WPI.I didn't have to run around in a cleaning frenzy, and the toilet was man clean.

3.Had the last team meeting for the Art of Science Learning.

4. Wednesday was a Red Letter Day. My friend, Red, came back East for a visit. Was so good to see her and have tea with her again. She even brought lunch.

5. I signed up to take a week long illumination and gilding class in March. Fingers crossed the class runs.

How was your week?


  1. What a beautiful setting. Glad to know I'm not the only one that deals with crumbs in the silverware drawer:)

    1. Eclectic mix of things Ma either gave me or became mine after she passed. Seems a shame not to use them so when Red comes over, we have a tea party with pretty cups and dishes.

  2. Tea party! I haven't had a 'ladies lunch' since my mother died. She would make me lunch when I was working close to her house. The most elaborate lunches she could squeeze into an hour! :)

    1. What a sweet memory! You'll just have to come North and then we can have a tea party. But maybe you better wait a couple of months until the sun room is open. (-;
