Tuesday, December 31, 2024

T Stands for Tiny Floral Arrangements in Cups


The Eldest attended our town's annual Christmas fair. Fun, food, crafts. While browsing she found these cute floral arrangements which she though would make a nice gift for me. She couldn't decide which she liked best so she gave me both.

This brought back memories. The first job I had when I was 16 years old was working for the neighbor that lived across the street. He had a business that made artificial floral arrangements which were sold to grocery stores, gift shops, and the like.

Rather than the lovely, hand-made, paper flowers shown here, we used silk (really faux silk) flowers. We used 4 inch plastic flower pots which were spray painted according to seasonal colors. We also had a 3 or 4 inch. ceramic swan which I thought was pretty until the day I had to make 200 of them to fill an order. The first 50 were pretty after that the swans lost their charm.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Monet and Me

 Are getting rid of old kitchen utensils. Out with the old and in with the new. 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Christmas Eve

and a dusting of snow

Visitors at the feeder

and backyard

Christmas Eve sunset. Red sky at night, sailors delight

A new weather station for Christmas. It's been given the name Dickie after WCVB meteorologist, Dick Albert.

 The new station  shows the phases of the moon. It didn't show in the photo, but there's still a sliver of a waning crescent before the New Moon on 12/30.

After working in a hospital laboratory for several years, I'm a firm believer that the crazies come out when the moon is full. At the New Moon, too, which is just a full moon we can't see.

Dickie needs to collect a little more data as it's showing the weather forecast for the next 12 hours as partly sunny. 

Not quite, Dickie, but another rainy, gloomy day.

How does your garden grow?

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Friday, December 27, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things


Five good things that happened this week.

1. Had a nice time at the annual family gathering watching the new baby enjoy her first Christmas. In February, another new baby will join the family.

2. I won $4 on a scratch ticket.

3. Besides a new stove, I also bought new pans and made scrambled eggs. The eggs didn't stick in the pan!

4. We watched The Doctor Who Christmas Special: Joy to the World and waited for the Eldest to finish her shift at the hospital to begin Christmas festivities.

5. Texted with the Young One to hear about her Christmas

How was your week?

Thursday, December 26, 2024

The New Stove


There was nothing wrong with the old stove. Shown here in 2011 when it was brand-new. It worked well. Baked at an even temperature and the self-clean feature was a gawdsend. But aesthetically it was a nightmare. And the more I looked at it, the more I hated it until I couldn't stand it any longer.

What was the problem, you ask? The glass door front. Specifically the inside layers of glass. Of course, the problem was one of my own making. Somewhere along the line, I got over zealous with cleaning. It doesn't happen often but when the cleaning bug bites, it bites hard. Either I over enthusiastically sprayed the cleaning fluid so that some spurted through the door vents and ran down the inside of the glass leaving a white streak or I slopped or spilled something greasy while cooking. Oh, 🤬 what do do? 

Well, it seemed like a simple solution. But a quick check with YouTube to see if it could be done. Yes, I thought so. See? There are a series of screws holding the glass to the door frame. Take it apart, simple. Clean between the layers and put everything back together again. Easy peasy.

Wrong! The door came apart quite easily. And cleaning between the glass panes was easy, too. The door didn't go back together as easily as the YouTube videos showed. 🤬🤬🤬

I called the repairman and even he had a tough time getting the door put back together again. 🤬 And he yelled at me! In my defense, if the manufacturer didn't want the owner to take the door apart, then the screws should have been hidden! He told me next time, to hang a dish towel on the handle to hide the streak! Next time.

Shortly after, because the door wasn't put back quite like it came from the factory, the screws on the handle would loosen up and I'd have to tighten them before baking or risk grave injury.  And then the damn cleaning fluid or grease or something that  found its way through the door vent, streaked the inside of the glass, again!

Another feature I didn't like was one of the burners was sized for a giant lobster pot. I had a lobster pot once and used it on the first stove we bought in the house in order to cook Mr. Pinchy. After that, if we wanted lobster, we went out to eat it at a restaurant so I gave my lobster pot away. Without the giant pot, the burner was useless.

As I said, I couldn't stand to look at that dirty door any longer. It mocked me and of course, it showed my poor skills as a housekeeper.

So on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. I dragged Himself to the appliance store to look at 3 models I had researched. I was actually looking for a model that didn't have the gaping vents on the oven door. Seems they all came that way. 

Did you know that a lot of the ranges now communicate via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to your phone? What is is it with all things and appliances that have to be controlled by a phone? Those models were out.

One of the ranges I looked at had 15 different cooking modes. 15!!! I don't want to go to the moon, I just want to bake brownies, loaves of bread, roast beef, and the annual turkey. So that model was out.

The model I bought was an upgrade of the same model I had. It does have bake, convection bake, air fry, broil, and self-clean features. Bake, broil, and self-clean were a must. It doesn't connect to my phone, either. It also has a frozen lasagna and frozen pizza mode. The frozen mode is a bit like having a teat on a bull, if you ask me. And the giant burner is now a dual burner. So you can use a big pan or regular size pots and pans. People must have complained. 

Anyway, here is a picture of the new oven in all its shiny glory right after the delivery guys set it up and tested it.

And I found the best way to keep it pristine, is not to cook.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

New Christmas Decorations


A bit of a variation from the wreaths I usually make.

Himself got into the crafting act and made snowmen from snow globes, battery operated lights, and a snowman snowball game purchased from the Dollar Store

My favorite decoration is the creche where everyone is welcome. This year, Quill decided to participate in the Christmas pageant.

and it's quite all right if you're not feeling merry and bright.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

T Stands for Admiring Christmas Cards

Cards showing the Grandniece and Grandnephew from my side of the family and a card with the newest grandniece from Himself's side of the family. Also a lovely card from Master Deborah.

Center: Card from the T Day hosts, Elizabeth and Bleubeard, top: a card from a cousin of Himself's mother. Actually I think the theory of relativity is that the card is from the cousin's daughter. Right: a card from calligraphy buddy, Nan. Bottom: is a calligraphic card from a guild friend. Left but not least is the special card Teague picked out just for me. From the box of cards she purchased when I was with her. 

My calligraphy teacher, Gerry makes her cards every year.

A spectacular, glittery envelope from another instructor, Kathy. I do love being the teachers pet.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Monet and Me


have been counting down the days to Christmas and adding an ornament a day to the Advent tree. Only 2 more days?! I thought I had another week!

I also added the lettering in the counterspace of the letter "O". I'm hoping by writing out No in English, German, Russian, Irish, and French, I can manifest my wish for no snow to happen.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Early in the week

a dusting of snow

Later in the week, a couple two or three inches. Yarbo wasn't quite ready to take on the task, but 

when the storm was over, Ma-bo cleared the walk and the slush at the end of the driveway.

The Frozen Tundra

Jack Frost stop by to decorate the sunroom windows and the snowbirds were squabbling at the feeder. 

The Winter Solstice was yesterday so we are halfway through the dark. This morning it is 9 oF. 
(-12.77 oC). Maybe we could be halfway through the cold, too.

How does your garden grow?

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Happy, Little, Time Waster


Lisette Oropesa is singing Violetta’s ‘Sempre Libera’ when student Liu Jianwei decides to join her !

Friday, December 20, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things


Five good things that happened this week.

1. Calli and Quill didn't put up the usual fuss about going into the cat carriers for the vet visit. They weren't happy, but it didn't take long to wrangle them into the carriers.

2. The new television was delivered. The picture is WOW!

3. An afternoon spent with The Brother and His Wife, The Nephew and his family so the little ones could see Santa come by the house on the firetruck. Santa was late and it was very cold and dark so after an hour we all went inside for dinner. While we were eating, the firetruck roared by the house. The kids waved to Santa from the window.

4. Haircut day and I checked us in just in time. When we got there there were 6 people on the waiting list behind us.

5. Play day with Teague and a nice lunch at Owen O'Leary's

How was your week?

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Doodling for Stress Reduction


On Mondays via Zoom, I participate in a class where we spend  a half an hour doodling our stress away.  

The class was a couple of days before Halloween so the theme was spider webs.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

T Stands for Admiring the Christmas Cards


I was hoping that one of the Christmas cards had a picture of a beverage, but not in this group. So, here's my morning cuppa.

Thank you to Lisca, Lambie, Robin, Phillip, Tiggy, Lisa, and Val for your greetings. Doesn't that sound like Miss Jean? 😺

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?


A week ago, snow and another meticulously, hand-crafted, shoveled driveway, and maybe the last time.

The Yarbo, Himself's new toy arrived with the snowblower attachment. Of course, because he bought this, it will mean no snow for the rest of the Winter. I am not complaining.

Red sky in the morning

came with heavy rains and wind. A lot of the yard decorations got blown around.

How does your garden grow?

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Happy, Little, Time Waster


Meet Yarbo: Introducing Yarbo - An Intelligent Robot to Take Care of All Your Yard Care Needs

Friday, December 13, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things

 Five good things that happened this week.

1. The day before she had to leave, the Young One and I took a trip to the mall, lunch at Panera, bubble tea, and Crumbl Cookies to take home

2. After taking the Young One to the airport, we stopped for breakfast at IHOP. Then had a shopping spree at Ocean State Job Lot and the Dollar Store.

3. Took a trip to the cemetery to lay a wreath and then stopping for lunch at J. Anthony's Italian Grill

4. Himself's Yarbo arrived.

5. Cleaning and getting ready to decorate after the new television is delivered.

How was your week?

Thursday, December 12, 2024

2OLOTR - Mad Magazine Exhibit at The Norman Rockwell Museum

Two Old Ladies on the Road. Besides visiting Richard Widmark's grave in Roxbury, Connecticut, I wanted to visit the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. 

On our runaway trips, our pace is leisurely. If we want to do something, we do, but not necessarily at the crack of stupid. Per the Rockwell website, I purchased tickets online for a Monday visit. We figured all the Leaf Peepers would have gone home. So we had a leisurely morning and arrived at the museum around 11 AM only to find it was packed with Weebles (Elderly. Even though we are now in that category we're at the young end of the spectrum) Not only packed in the parking lot, but people were arriving by busloads! 

Teague found a place to park We were greeted by these whimsical sculptures by sculptor, Peter Rockwell, one of Rockwell's sons.

The day we visited there was also an exhibition What Me Worry? The Art and Humor of Mad Magazine.

Before Alfred E Newman became the face of Mad Magazine, there were earlier prototypes like Billy Riley for cigars

and these characters selling World War II War Bonds

Alfred E Newman, the man, himself.

My dad was a voracious reader, but he didn't like us to read comic books. They were verboten especially Mad Magazine. That didn't stop The Brother from bringing them into the house and letting me look at them even though at the age of 8 or so (The Brother is 6 years my senior), I didn't really understand a lot of the magazine. . So wandering around the exhibit gave me the same feeling of doing something I wasn't supposed to. Sorry, Dad.

The height of the Cold War brought us Spy Vs Spy. This was my favorite. I hope you'll be able to embiggen the images to read text.

Son of Mad

The Headless Horseman

A rather unflattering satire of The Girl with a Pearl

Scully and Muldar from The X-Files as American Gothic

Famous Aliens