Friday, July 12, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things


Five good things that happened this week.

1. Hip and knee pain was so bad, I took a trip to urgent care. The good news is nothing really wrong except old age.

2. All comfy with ice, a knee support, sleep pillow, and seat cushion. How do you spell relief?

3.  The doctor suggested I could try adding glucosamine chondroitin to my vitamin and supplement regimen. They were big horse pills, but I found them later in the week in a  gummy.  Now I won't have to choke down the horse pills, and the gummy bears are cute.

4. Play day with Teague and the day involved ice cream. I had an Almond Joy (vanilla base with Almond Joy candy pieces in it) in a waffle cup. 

5. We also booked another trip away the last week of August. This time heading to New Hampshire.

How was your week?


  1. Can't do anything about old age, except accept it with as good a grace as you can muster :-)

    1. My dad always said getting old wasn't for the faint of heart.

  2. I take those horse pills twice a day and have for years. They don't get rid of pain, but I do think they help prevent it. (You were probably told that by the doctor so you don't need me repeating it, right?) And any day with ice cream is a good day. Hurrah for another trip on the horizon too. Enjoy the day.

    1. And the pain is improving so I should be in good shape for all the walking we do when we go away 🤞🏼

  3. I'm sorry you're having that kind of pain but happy you're getting some relief. Movement therapy might help long-term, either seeking out a P.T. or doing what I do and searching for exercises online.

    1. I have a Cubii so I'm trying to use that more. And trying to get back to Qi Gong. I have a webinar this afternoon.

  4. As a previous boss once told me, getting old isn't for the faint of heart. Hang in there!

  5. #3: I've been taking glucosamine for YEARS. It really does work. Hope you feel better soon!

  6. I can definitely relate - my knees are very bad and I worry about ending up like my mom who had so many falls she eventually could never walk again! I do need to lose some weight as that is not helping my knee pain at all. I also have bad osteo and arthritis (both my patents did at my age) so there is that.

    I swear whoever came up with "the golden years" was on some serious drugs LOL!!!

    Have a great weekend, CJ!! :-)

    1. Not to be a downer, but my dad used to say "the golden years are not golden" 😺

    2. Your dad was right lol - I hope you feel better soon!

  7. Sorry about the pains, getting old can be painful, as well I know. Look after yourself! I have physiotherapy each week and it does help! Have a great day, hugs!

  8. Sorry to read about the pain you are experiencing. I can relate. I just heard there may be a "cure" for lupus. It would be nice to have the option.

    Ice cream is good any day. Add a waffle cone and you have bliss.

    I would have been here sooner, but I have a very sick cat. The young one. He keeps getting sick and I keep having to clean it. Hope you have a better weekend than mine is starting out.

    1. Sorry to hear your young one isn't feeling well.

  9. I spell relief with ice too. AND I take MSM and glucosamine. Have for years. Sorry you're having problems. You're still a young chick:) Have a relaxing, pain free weekend. Hugs

    1. th glucosamine gummies also have MSM in them

  10. Well. As my FIL says... get old or die. Glad it´s just "old age"...
    In Perth I was told by the doc to take frozen peas for relief. Ingo brought frozen pewas and carrots - worked well (spider bite).
    To gummy bears!! Our ice cream still sits in the freezer, waiting for summer. Cold and grey today again.
    Yay to another trip!

    Here mixed week. Bad week. So many words to translate I don´t even know in German. I can read technical drawings, but... ????
    It´s a riddle often.
    But despite school holidays I had a long chat online with my friend fK.

  11. It is humid today, but rain, rain, rain. If you can't have ice cream, there's always Gummibären. Ich mag sie gern.
