Friday, July 5, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things

 Five good things that happened this week.

1. More storage boxes arrived. I made good headway in the studio cleaning/organizing

2. The Little Princess didn't feel like cooking so Himself went and bought a rotisserie chicken, potato salad, and macaroni salad.

3. I made the pizza dough. Waited for it to rise. Preheated the oven. Hand-stretched the dough on the pizza stone. Spread the sauce, mozzarella, and peppers on top. Was waiting for the oven to get to 400 degrees and we lost electricity!

The outage was small and didn't effect the whole town. Himself went to the grocery store and brought home dinner. Cold rotisserie chicken, potato salad with egg, pasta salad. He also bought Hershey Kisses so we'd be able to make it through. The electricity came back on about two hours later.

4. After two weeks, a play day at Teague's. We talked about another trip away. Maybe the first week of August. Not sure if we're going back to Ogunquit or maybe trying a place on Lake Winnipesaukee in Wolfsboro, New Hampshire

5. Calli was very excited when a new friend came into the yard to play. The baby looked a little lost and started walking down the side yard toward the road. I called to him/her, "No, Baby, not that way." S/he froze. "Where's your mama?" The baby turned and walked back into the woods. I hope the Little One was okay and met up with his mama.

How was your week?


  1. Ingo since 6 weeks or such comes home with such a chicken on Thursdays. I can´t have it no more (but as long as he eats something at all I am happy).

    Gah about the pizza!!
    Ohhh, poor baby, hope it found mama!

    Good week here, if stressy, but that´s better than boring :-)

    1. I keep looking to see if the baby makes another appearance. I hope it found its mama or an auntie to take care of it

  2. Busy busy busy... Swimming with the Grandlittles, then 4th of July with the Grandlittles which meant a morning a Golf Game with hubby.., and today taking the eldest for a Day with Grandma... whew...
    What cute little baby.. We had lots of those in AR. Momma would have the baby in our hollow then at first light want to cross the road in front of our house to go into the next hollow that was next to the lake.. Made me so nervous.. its not like she could hold her babies hand to cross the street! Often the baby could barely walk and people would fly down that road... Makes me nervous all over again.. lol Hugs! deb

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one that worries about wildlife.

  3. IF you go to Wolfeboro, I'd love to meet for lunch or breakfast. It's only 1 town away from me. Of course I know you and Teague might be busy with things to do, so I get it if that wouldn't work. Just mentioning it though.
    Sounds like you had a good week. Too bad the power went off after the work of making a pizza, Have a super FRiday. Looks like the humidity is coming back.

    1. I thought you lived further south and closer to the MA border.

  4. The little fawn is so pretty. I hope it rejoined its family.

  5. Bambi! (Hope Himself's garden doesn't suffer.....😲)

    1. This little one didn't venture to the garden. Just went back to the woods

  6. that deer is tiny. at my last and final place oh employ…deer were always navigating the marsh area, coming up to the building and then taking a run for the small wooded area near the front…bad idea as it ran parallel with an interstate 🙀

  7. You can't go wrong with a rotisserie chicken, though you also can't go wrong with pizza.

  8. Sounds like a good week, other than the electricity going off. I'm glad it didn't last long. Adorable fawn. - Anne (Cornucopia)

    1. I'm glad the electrical outage didn't last long either. I had to put the pizza in the fridge for a couple of hours, when I did bake it, it came out amazing! Like pizza on fresh, baked, fluffy bread
