Friday, July 26, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things


Five good things that happened this week.

1. In the afternoon, a bag of dog food was delivered to my front door for someone named L.  I posted on the town Facebook page if anyone knew her thinking that the address must be 4 or 5 houses away. Someone did know her and I was able to make contact. Turns out the delivery people weren't even close. She lived 4 towns away from me and she got my pet delivery of kitty litter liners. 

Himself suggested we put in a take out order at Bertucci's and meet L there to exchange the items. Perfect, we get our correct order and I don't have to cook.

2. The Young One didn't get the Mrs. Field cookies and Birthday Teddy Bear I had delivered (possibly due to the CrowdStrike outage), but she did get my card on time.

3. The cookies and teddy bear arrived a day after her birthday. They weren't late. They were just prolonging the celebration.

4. I ordered supplies for the watercolor class. The cheapest prices were from Jerry's Artarama.

5. I splurged and bought a package of Stroopwafels

How was your week?


  1. An extended birthday celebration is always to be welcomed :-)

  2. That delivery is the worst I've ever seen or heard of. Holy cow. And birthday shouldn't be just one day. They should be spread out over at least 2 or 3. I hope your daughter had a happy day. And I hope you enjoyed not having to cook. Have a great FRiday. The weather should be gorgeous the next couple of days!

    1. Anytime I don't have to cook is a good day. Yes, the next few days are going to be perfect sunroom days. I hope you get some hammock time in your screened in porch.

  3. We get misdelivered stuff all the time here. I blame it on the drunken 'founders' of our city. They numbered the streets....repeating the #'s of the streets and just changing them to "place", "street", "court", "avenue", "lane", and dividing the city into quadrants.....southwest, northwest. southeast, sw 34th St could be misread and go to Pl, Ct, Ave or Ln in any of the four quadrants. (I feel sorry for the postal workers! 🤣🤣🤣🤣)

    1. With a numbering system like that, it's a wonder anything gets delivered.

  4. Well we just had a 4.8 earthquake... so i'm not sure if that qualifies for a Friday good Wow.. everything rattling on the walls.. crazy.. I think this Friday i'll just count my blessings it wasn't worse... geesh... i'm so glad your packages for the Young One eventually arrived! Hugs! deb

    1. Wow, that must have been exciting. Yes, a good thing there was no damage

  5. I'm happy to see I haven't bought any stroop waffles for a long time, although I see them every week at Aldi, sigh!

  6. Interesting week you had. Maybe when you meet these people they will become good friends. My week wasn't exciting but today I go down the mountain again for another lunch with a different son and family who are in from Washington. Last week it was Oregon family. Then after that, a trip into Aldi for some favorite things.

  7. You just reinforced why I don't buy things over the internet. At least you get a meal out of the deal.

    I've looked for Stroopwafels at Aldi, but we don't get them here.

    Glad the young one got her gift, even if it was an extended birthday gift.

  8. Sounds like a weird delivery week. I'm watching the replay of the men's team gymnastics. I can't bring myself to watch gymnastics live...
