Today was such a rainy, dreary day. I was a slug. Alternated between watching Fall Guy on DVD and surfing the Net. Kept going back to look at the mermaid tiles by David Delamare.
I measured the space above the sink and there’s room to put a small mural measuring 12” h x 24” w. I waffle between the idea the mural will add color to the sterile room or if it’s too much. It’s rather pricey per square foot, on the other hand, it’s art.
Then come the choices. Medina, pictured above, is stunning. The predominant colors are more green than the cobalt blue I’ve picked for an accent color.
I also like the mural labeled “Curious”. I’m not sure the colors would go with the cobalt.
I measured the space above the sink and there’s room to put a small mural measuring 12” h x 24” w. I waffle between the idea the mural will add color to the sterile room or if it’s too much. It’s rather pricey per square foot, on the other hand, it’s art.
Then come the choices. Medina, pictured above, is stunning. The predominant colors are more green than the cobalt blue I’ve picked for an accent color.
I also like the mural labeled “Curious”. I’m not sure the colors would go with the cobalt.
The “Reading Mermaid” has the deep blue, I’m looking for, and possibly could be turned into a tile mural. Have to write to ask them. The website states almost any of his artwork can be turned into a tile mural.
I wish I could see the colors of the murals up close and in person. The background wall tile will be white. The floor will be white with a few cobalt blue diamonds in the pattern. The sink is white with tiny dark blue almost black speckles. Are these features neutral enough to go with any mural?
What to do, what to do? Any suggestions? Himself likes the reading mermaid the best. I like her because the background will go with my beloved blue. Besides, seems fitting to put a mermaid reading a book in a bathroom. After all, it's one of the activities people do in the bathroom.
Sorry you had a dreary day. The sun shone gloriously here and after spending the morning working, I went with the boys to go swimming. We came home and had a nice long walk through the back fields. Also sat on the porch swing tonight and watched the cats.
ReplyDeleteHmmm, I like the reading mermaid, I also like the first mermaid (can't remember the name) - the green may be a lovely contrast to the cobalt blue. I think the middle one (how did I forget the names between there & here??) - so, the predominantly yellow one I think would be washed out by a strong blue.
ReplyDeletejust my 2 cents...
I like all the pix. :D, but the one of the mermaid reading, is the best. It's nice to see a beautiful creature that know's how to open a book(lmao)...if all else fails, your still welcome of a huge wall size poster pix of me...:D. I will even pose with a book(lmao!)