Monday, January 6, 2014

The Word For The Year Is

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. That's how I feel about resolutions for the new year. Rather than make a list, I'll focus on one thing. The word for this year is Declutter. After the past three years of absorbing another household's worth of stuff, dealing with endless paperwork from the court, plus having too much stuff of my own, I'm buried under chaos.Time to dig myself out. Out with the old and no more new.

What's your word or resolutions for this year?


  1. I did a major declutter after the fire threat. Almost losing everything made me realize I didn't need all the stuff I'd accumulated. I went through closets, drawers and cupboards and thinned it all out.

    1. I'm going to follow your example, Kris, and not wait for a threat

  2. I've always been a 'purger'. Husband says he lives in fear of finding himself at the curb on trash day!

  3. I'm always working on declutter but never quite seem to reach the finish line.

  4. I get piles in my home, but I am working on that this year! My word is anticipate...and I anticipate that my home will be organized and uncluttered this year! ha! :)
