Friday, November 6, 2020

The Friday Five Good Things

 Five good things that happened this week.

1.  A big thank you to the Amazon Delivery Person who placed the packages inside the front porch.

2. On Halloween we watched Stephen King's Cell, a horror movie. 20 min. from the end Himself accidently clicked buttons on the Roku. When we went back to the movie, it was no longer available so we didn't know the ending! Thanks to Anne for telling me the ending.

3. The Young One and I played hairdresser and cut each other's hair.

4. I saw the female cardinal checking out the honeysuckle vine. Was she looking for a place to Winter over or planning her Spring nest? And then it occurred to me that today (11/5) would have been my grandmother's  125th birthday. Maybe the cardinal was a message from Grandma. 😊

5. Verizon cut our television and phone bundle and we bought a new router for the Internet access.

How was your week?


  1. You always make me count my blessings CJ...

    Hubby has been feeling good this last week...

    We've had a week of warm days in November...

    I'm staining the last parts of the stair railing...

    Amber's pregnancy has been uneventful...

    Loving the book i'm reading.. Einstein's Dreams

    Pssst.. i've seen that movie too... Book was much better i thought... Hugs! deb

    1. 😊 So glad to hear things are going along nicely for Amber. How exciting! I had never heard of Cell so may have to check it out.

  2. Our week started out nicely with temps nice enough to open the windows.....but then Eta changed direction and it's humid again so back into hibernation mode.... :( (soon says Husband, soon we can open up again....fingers crossed.)

    1. I guess we're getting your nice temps this coming week, but I'd happily take your humidity over the snow we had last week!

  3. I've never even heard of that movie, but I checked and couldn't find it on the services I have access to.

    My week has been election-centered. I have Chuck Todd on the Today show explaining which counties where are doing what and where re-counts might change anything. Fun times. I spent more on groceries yesterday than I have in any one trip ever before, but I got a lot of meat and have everything I need for Thanksgiving so I'm counting it acceptable if not a win lol My hair is what it is ;) but it's out of my eyes, so I'm good with that. I set up a fan in my bedroom and set it on exhaust to try to improve air circulation. I'll move the vornado into another room. I keep trying to improve air circulation. We'll see, I guess.

  4. We have a Levoit Air Purifier which we got because we had a mold problem in the basement. Had to go through mold removal and stuff. Anyway, the purifier helps circulate air and the company makes no claim that it will eliminate the Covid-19 virus

    1. I've researched air purifiers (our finches don't help our air quality) but was just overwhelmed by the choices. I'll look at Levoit. Thanks!

  5. Surely that cardinal was sent by her - I believe these things - I've seen it happen too many times in my own life. Nice of Amazon - no porch pirates around your place then... I cut my own hair . I've only had it done maybe five times in my life by a salon, always before a wedding of one of my kids. I have the same damn hair do I had when I graduated 8th grade - it's ridiculous. The "Cell" haven't heard of it -

    1. I think the cardinal was from Grandma, too. No porch pirates (yet) I live in a rural town on a main road. People are too busy flying down the road to get to the highway. They can't see packages on the porches 😺

  6. Sounds good. Nice that the Amazon delivery man was so careful. One recently hid my package under the door mat. Sorry you missed the end of the film, I've done that, too! Have a good weekend! Valerie

    1. I gave the Amazon delivery man high marks for carefully delivering the package. Anne told me the ending of the movie

  7. that has to be a first; the phone company cutting the bill !!! ☺☺☺

    1. I guess I didn't explain. We only have Internet access through Verizon now. We no longer have a landline or cable through them

  8. Thanks for sharing your Friday Five.
    Have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  9. No complaints. I had a nice walk and got the fence painted. Your week sounds nice also. And this weather is wonderful! I am sure you agree.

  10. You had a great week and saved money, too. I am ready for Scott to cut my hair again. He's pretty good at it, and my driver's license proves it.

    I got my new fiber optic internet and phone service today. The service man told, then showed me the speed difference of my internet from before. As for my phone, I even have long distance now, something I didn't have before. Considering I'm paying for speed just above dial up, this new internet speed will be wonderful. Now my internet can keep up with my smoking fast computer.

    Other than that, I'm cautiously optimistic about the election results.

    1. Long distance? To calls in the US? I haven't heard that phrase for decades. Calls to out of state were rolled into the landline plan. We could call anywhere in the lower 48 and not incur extra charges.

  11. That was a bad timing indeed.. Just 20 minutes before the ending. But TBH glad that you didn't waste another 20 minutes on this movie. I have read the novel and the movie is a real bad adaptation. Regards, Naomi Black Butterfly

    1. We were just looking for something mindless to watch and it fit the bill.

  12. Wondrous good things. I'm still curious about how you sized down or across on internet. I'd love to. Our cable cost just keeps going up.

    1. I wrote about my experience here:

      My friend and colleague, Andy Fish, wrote an article about cutting cable:

  13. #1 - WOW - can you send him/her over here, we need someone with a brain, too!
    #2 - eeeek, how unfair! Glad your friend could step in!
    #3... same request from Hubby today, I hate doing it.
    #4 ... sooo beautiful.
    #5 yay.

    Here. Everyday life...

  14. Sounds like another good week. And you're welcome: I'm always glad when I can be of help to others. :-)
