Sunday, November 1, 2020

How Does Your Garden Grow?


Heavenly Blue Morning Glories

The lawn guy came and cleared all the leaves

And then it snowed. At least it looks like the mailbox will survive the plow.

Poor Dido, hidden by an avalanche under the dead hydrangea

Oh, the Morning Glority! At least I got to see them bloom for a week

Halloween and the Hunter's Blue Moon

Squirrels and bunnies running around the birdfeeder

Heavy, wet snow. So heavy it weighed the brush by the trees down that we thought a branch had come down.

No more petunias and mums

The forecast went from a dusting to two inches, then two to four inches, and then four to seven inches. We got close to 6 inches of very early snow. At least it wasn't as bad as the 2011 Halloween storm where we got over a foot of snow. 

NOAA forecasted a mild Winter for my area because of La Nina. One of the weather dudes said that when we get an early storm in October, we don't get much for the rest of the Winter. I'm hoping his right and that this isn't another version of a dusting to two inches of snow.

The November garden flag.

How does your garden grow?


  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOO! It's too early for snow!!!!! Here's hoping NOAA is right for the rest of the season. :-/

  2. Like yours, my garden is now dead and buried under snow. What a change a day makes!!! Enjoyed your snow photos regardless.

  3. Oh wow you got allot of snow-I am not ready for that yet just yet-hopefully you will warm up enough for it all to melt Happy Sunday

    1. I wasn't ready for snow either. This is early though it's not unheard of. I'm just not ready, either, and the snow isn't melting as fast as I hoped it would.

  4. Well we finally had our first freeze...another expected tonight...But no snow... I would love to have some snow... Send some my way! Such pretty pics! Hugs! deb

  5. lots of snow there. I enjoyed the photos!

    1. Hopefully the snow will be gone by the middle of this week.

  6. Oh my goodness, that is a lot of snow.
    Our garden is wet and covered in leaves!

    I do like your flag, it's so colourful.

    Hope the week ahead will be a good one for you.
    Take care.

    All the best Jan

    1. No snow in the forecast this week, so that's something

  7. WOW!! No wonder you HATE wintertime. We get feast or famen - either we get hit horribly here or barely at all. I pray it is a mild one for us this year but we shall see. Take care!!

    1. We didn't get much snow last year so hoping for the same this year. I'm hoping this was just a fluke.

  8. Sorry you got snow. Isn't is a bit early for that? Stay warm and safe! Valerie

    1. Yup, it is. Hopefully, it will all be gone within the next couple of days.

  9. What a pretty lawn! And that lovely snow :) We just don't ever get snow, much less measurable snow this early.

    1. We usually don't get measurable snow this early and you're welcome to all the snow we might get this season.

  10. Wow, you did get snow. Good thing you cleaned up some leaves. I don't think you'll get much melt tomorrow but hopefully by the end of the week it will disappear. Happy November!

    1. Most of the snow is gone. Just a couple of patches left and they should be gone by today.

  11. Beautiful moon, but eeeek, all that snow! Here it usually hits in February... (I hope not).

    1. Snow at this time is unusual for us, but it happens from time to time. At least it wasn't like the Halloween storm of 2011 where we got over a foot of snow. 😱 That was a very bad Winter.
