Tuesday, November 17, 2020

T Stands For I'm In Heaven

 Last Tuesday, I blogged about a London Fog, Earl Grey tea with milk or Half n Half foam.

Since Blogger uploaded my photos in reverse order, I'll tell my story in reverse.

I'm in heaven! (You only have to watch the opening ) Thanks, Robin! Your surprise blew me away! You're awesome!

Look at that fog!

Whip it! Whip it good!

A milk frother!

There's a gift card. "Enjoy your London Fog! (maybe the Young One will find more used for it too! From Robin at Pink House Studio !

What is it?

Himself said, "The fairies left something for you." Fairies is code word for a package usually delivered by Amazon. Since the pandemic, seems we've been ordering more. Every few days there's a package on the doorstep. Like the story "The Elves and the Shoemaker". Every night elves come into the shoemaker's shop and make a pair of shoes. In the morning, the shoemaker finds a beautiful pair of shoes he can sell.

"The fairies left something for me? I didn't order anything. I don't think I ordered anything? Maybe it's one of those brushing scams from Amazon.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth’s blog to find out what the rest of the T gang is up to. If you want to play, include a beverage or beverage container in your post. Don’t forget to link your blog from Bleubeard and Elizabeth’s page.


  1. Ooh a lovely milk frother. This is something I couldn't live without! Have fun, keep frothing, enjoy! Happy T Day, Valerie

    1. I'm wondering how I manage to live without one all these years! 😺

  2. Loving your back to front post, such fun ...lol 😀. Who can resist a bit of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers - perfect! I'm glad you found your heaven with the frothy maker too 😁. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. I was too lazy to try to rearrange the photos in order.

  3. Wow! What a cool gift. I read your post with Fred Astaire singing to me and it really made a great background sound for this post. Enjoy your foamy London Fogs. Hugs-Erika

  4. You are very welcome, CJ! (I use my new Keurig frother every single day! Who knew? LOL)

  5. Perfect Order Of Operation - Dance Like Nobody Is Watching


  6. I don't have a milk frother so I wonder if an immersion tool would work the same...hmmm...I may have to try it!
    Love the Fred Astaire musicals. Happy T day!

  7. I don't have a frother, but I have a stick blender. That's a frother on steroids (grin). SO glad you like your new frother and so very, very sweet of Robin to do that. Sometimes back to front works!!!

  8. Love that movie, and they were so graceful!

    What a delightful and thoughtful gift :) Happy T Tuesday!

    1. I don't like musicals as a rule, but I do enjoy watching Fred dance.

  9. Nice gift. I recently watched a documentary on Ginger and Fred. It was quite enlightening. Enjoy your gift.

    1. I saw a documentary on Fred where a producer had said Fred couldn't sing, couldn't act, but could dance a little. Bet that producer was sorry he made that remark.

  10. It was funny reading the story upside down. Only you would think of that. Well done.

    What a lovely gift from Robin. Enjoy!

    Happy T-Day! Stay safe and stay well. Hugs, Eileen

    1. I didn't want to spend time trying to move pictures around. Lazy is as lazy does. 😺

  11. Fun post CJ I have never had or used a frother sounds like it would be nice kitchen gadget. Happy T wishes Kathy

    1. I didn't think I needed one, but you don't miss what you don't have. 😺

  12. What a fun surprise! How wonderful that your friend sent you a gift. Milk frother's are all the rage for those that make those fancy drinks.
    Loved that clip. I always love seeing Fred Astair dance and sing. My favorite movie of his was Holiday Inn.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. I didn't know a frother was all the rage. I feel like one of the cool kids 😺

  13. what a nice thoughtful gift. Presents are always fun especially if they are so unexpected. Cute little fairy story.
    I've always loved watching dances from the 40's.

  14. That's a fun gadget!

    be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  15. That´s a cute code word for sure!
    And now I have that earworm! People will ... oh, wait, no one can see me smile...

  16. What a great surprise and gift to receive. I like that expression: "the fairies left something for you." Stay warm today. Happy T-Day!

    1. Now when we look for packages: Did the fairies come? Nope, no fairies. Or The fairies were here! Fairies! 😺

  17. That was fun! I just read your story from the bottom up. A milk frother! I've always wanted one. Perhaps I will order one now. You (or Robin) have inspired me.
    By the way, I upload my photos one by one, as I have found out to my chagrain that fault in Blogger. Or if I can't be bothered, I resize them to small (they are easier to move when they are small) and then just shift them into their right position. But it's a pain, isn't it.
    Anyway, it was very thoughtful of Robin. A really lovely surprise.
    I hadn't heard of that fairy story, but it's cute.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. I’ve found sometimes Blogger uploads multiple pics in the right order and sometimes it reverses them. Doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason

  18. Blogger does seem to change it's mind about photo order - sometimes the correct order sometimes in reverse.
    What a great gift, we have one and love it!
    Having seen that clip I need to get out my DVD and watch again!
    Belated Happy T day, Chrisx
