Sunday, February 12, 2023

How Does Your Garden Grow?

The water in the swale flowed too slowly and froze solid in the sub-artic temperatures of last weekend.

High winds

hurled the wall and door panels of the greenhouse around

Temperature swings from one end of the spectrum to the other has us all confused.

One bunny nibbling the grass

followed by another bunny

A red sky morning

We started last weekend, way below freezing, and we ended this weekend way above freezing.

How does your garden grow?


  1. My garden is still non existent, will plant the boxes when I come home!

  2. We're trying to make the garden self sufficient. Driftwood and succulents. (We're not getting any younger! LOL)

    1. Pictures! With the drought we were in last Summer, it might succulents might be a good idea here

  3. I can't tell yet, but it seems my lavender bit the dust and maybe my abelia *sigh* but some plants are beginning to show some green growth at ground level.

  4. You have no snow. I am jealous!!!! The warmer temperatures are just lovely though. It's nice to see bare ground and the bunnies too. hugs-Erika

  5. Our temps are similar to yours, only not as warm. We also had high winds that whipped things around in my yard, too. I had mostly leaves, not structures. I was surprised I didn't lose something in the yard, though since we had winds that topped 60 mph, and sustained winds at 30 mph. At least it looks like you have a bit of green grass for the bunnies to munch on.

    1. Yup, green grass right over the septic tank 😺
