Saturday, November 11, 2023

Happy, Little, Time Wasters


 Ohio State University Drum Major John LaVange
Last Ramp Entrance vs. Illinois - 11/18/2017


  1. Wow!!! Big WOW, this is awesome!
    How long did they practice for this? How deep can that man bend! WOW!
    Thank you!! Please keep finding little Time Wasters!
    We go to American Footy here since... 1997 I guess. I never saw a marching band here.
    For the opening we had skydivers, antique cars, Harleys or superfun themed cheerleader choreography, stuff like that.
    The cheerleaders otherwise dance to what´s hip or was. Like, we had one of "your" players, his name was Kelvin Love (Wide Receiver). Good move or touchdown: "Love is in the air" at full blast.
    Never a marching band.
    This is so cool! I have to watch it again and show Ingo!

  2. Replies
    1. There's a Youtube video that show the tryouts for the position, an earlier year than this young man

  3. Replies
    1. Yeah, it helped that she texted me through her trip

  4. He knows how to strut his stuff and he is very limber!!

    1. I think that's a requirement of all the drum majors
