Friday, November 3, 2023

The Friday Five Good Things


Five good things that happened this week.

1. Went to Giacomo's for dinner with Master Beef, Grandmaster E, and my "Cousin" J. Had a great time at Giacomo's Restaurant in Wayland. Turns out E knew the restaurant owners. Her oldest brother used to hang out with the owner's dad. Wherever we go, everyone seems to know Master Beef and Grandmaster E.

2. I baked a spice cake for dessert for Halloween

3. The lawn guy showed up just like he said he would. He took care of the first pass of the leaves

4. Teague and I went to Lowell's Restaurant where they serve breakfast all day.

5. The Eldest cooked steak tips for dinner.

How was your week?


  1. Sounds like you're living the good life! 😊

  2. You had a wonderful foodie week CJ! :)
    ~ Hubs played good golf with friends... when Hubby plays 'good' golf all is right with our
    ~ Work continues with our fence... slow but sure..
    ~ Halloween/Trick or treating was a HUGE success this year.. lots of 'littles'
    ~ I've been making good progress on Granddaughters afghan lately..
    ~ We had some rain/ the weathers been beautiful really . You know when its cool and the sun feels warm on your back and for that moment everything is perfect. You think about taking a nap in the sun.. yeah like that..
    Have a GREAT weekend CJ and week ahead. Hugs! deb

  3. You had some yummy week!
    Me, a bit, also... baking onion cake and pizza muffins.
    Finally dentist is off my checklist for now, too! (P.s. ... new background or am I a bit sleepy? Love it!).
    Got a new Samsung from the company, fun day.

    1. The backgrounds change according to the season/holiday on the first of the month

  4. Sounds good, with yummy food! I made a big pot of veggie soup, was yummy, too! Valerie

  5. Ohh I would like to eat with you this week CJ ! delicious meals. Enjoy your weekend!
    Big huñgs, Caty

  6. I had a good week, but yours was better since the first leaf pass was taken care of. I'm hoping it's not too windy this weekend while it's still a bit warmer. And you had some yummy sounding food too. That's always a good thing. Have a great start to the weekend.

    1. Sounds like it will be a good weekend to finish up yardwork

  7. Sounds like a good week. - Anne (Cornucopia)

    1. Any time there is no cooking involved and a play day is a good week 😺

  8. Gosh. I can't believe how many times the little princess got to eat out and not cook this week. I need YOUR life!!!

  9. Sounds a good week.
    I'm sure the spice cake for Halloween dessert was delicious.

    All the best Jan

    1. From a mix decorated with canned orange frosting and Halloween sprinkles. Delicious and festive

  10. You had a great food week! I always make a spice cake for Thanksgiving, but it'd be good for Halloween, too.
