Monday, April 22, 2024

I Was Going To

rant over the fact that measuring cups only have markings for right-handed users and that members of the Sinistral Minority (aka Southpaws, Lefties, etc.) are forced to turn the measuring cup to the right.

Okay. So my measuring cup does have markings for left-handed users, but only in 1/2 cup increments. Not in all the fractions of 1/4, 1/3, 3/4 markings on the right-handed side. Like, Lefties would have no use for measuring 1 1/3 cups.

And then I noticed those measurements on the side of the spout so


  1. Lefties unite! There were never enough of us to make a difference because even up until our generation 'they' would make natural lefties become righties.....but now that THAT draconian custom has faded away maybe there are enough lefties to make it profitable to those who make these things! (sorry....leftie rant....ignore the man behind the curtain....)

    1. Except they sell items for left-handers, such as scissors, at a much higher price than right-handed scissors.

  2. Always read the instructions....
    (Something I never do....)

  3. LOL! I used to hate the so-called left-handed scissors which always had green plastic on the handles. I am left-handed but could never use them - they felt weird.

    1. I've never used left-handed scissors. I'm so old now, I don't think I could use them

  4. Ausgangstext
    Oh ja, viel gartenarbeit"! Unser Garten ist nahezu "explodiert" in den vergangenen paar Wochen - Grünzeug wohin man schaut ;-). Wir hatten ein paar Tage lang fast sommerliches Wetter - und dan wurde es wieder kalt. Es gab sogar (einige wenige) Schneeflocken bei unserer Wanderung am Freitag!
    Genieße weiterhin euren schönen Herbst, liebe Marja!

    Alles Liebe nach meiner Blogpause, Traude

    Liebe Rosi, es ist wirklich eine Freude, dass es das kleine Vögelchen geschafft hat - und dass so viele Jungvögel bei euch herumflattern! Auch das Geblühe freut mich sehr. Ich hoffe, die Kälte, die inzwischen aufgekommen ist, hat keinen Schaden angerichtet... Danke für dein liebes Willkommen!
    Ich wünsche dir einen angenehmen Wochenstart!
    Alles Liebe, Traude

    Vielen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar. Ich weiß nicht, ob du es schon gesehen hast, aber ich habe deine Frage unter deinem Kommentar beantwortet :-)
    Hab eine schöne Zeit voller toller Erlebnisse!
    Alles Liebe, Traude
    818 / 5.000
    My husband is also (retrained) left-handed and my mother was too. I think there are a lot more of them than people think. Strange that it still seems to be a problem getting suitable equipment. Left-handed computer mice are also more expensive...
    All the best, Traude

  5. I think measuring cups in the US should also be sold with metric measurements. Or if they have them, make them more distinct. In this day and age with the internet bakers can use recipes from all over the world, and of course, that requires metric units since they don't always convert to nice useful English unit measurement. :) Lots of wind here today. Same for you?

    1. I wasn't outside so it didn't seem windy. Lots of sun

  6. Now I need to read instructions.

  7. I like that with Ned Flanders on The Simpsons lefties do play a bigger role. As right handed I never give this much thought, otherwise! So, that is very important. My friend fK is a leftie but was forced to write with her left hand.
    We met last Friday and hit the subject and after years and years she wrote with both hands and said, with a bit of practice I will see no difference.
    Good or sad?

    1. You mean she was forced to write with her right hand? Teachers did that to my dad. When he was in kindergarten, they tied his lefthand to the chair so he had to use his right hand. The nuns didn't force me to use my right hand, but made sure my paper was slanted the way a right-handed person would hold their paper so they forced me to have a hook.

  8. I do a lot of things left handed, but using scissors and writing are both right handed jobs for me. I often eat left handed, though.
