Sunday, January 19, 2025

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Dickie with lots of information. The slippery road warning when temperatures fall close to the freezing mark. Rain. The Full Moon. For a brief period of time, I got the humidity inside the house up into the good range. And a 42!

Jack Frost stopped by and painted these delicate, happy, little trees.

The squirrels have been busy

as have the birds.

The Watchers are watching something, but not me.

A red sky morning before the rains came.

The first big snowstorm predicted for today into Monday morning. Himself was able to get Samwise's controller to work and moved Samwise. There will be a little more fiddling to get Sam into the storm position. The cars have to be moved into storm position, too. That will happen later this morning.

The new bird feeders which are now emptied and will have to be filled

Then we can spend the rest of the day watching movies and eating popcorn because today is National Popcorn Day

How does your garden grow?


  1. So much to do to accommodate the weather. Your cats are happy to view the cold white stuff from indoors.

    1. In the 3 years they have been with us, neither has made a bolt to get outside.

  2. It feels like March outside right now so I can't believe they're is a big snowstorm in the forecast for later this afternoon. I hope it disappears, but every time I look they say more snow. :(

    1. I know. Yesterday it was 4 -8. This morning 6-10 with areas in high elevations getting a foot.

  3. Good day to stay in and eat popcorn and watch movies, etc. REALLY coming down here!!

  4. Not as cold and dangerous here, but I had popcorn yesterday, too, thanks to Tom :-)

  5. Aww so sweet to see the cats watching out the window.

    All the best Jan
