Friday, January 17, 2025

The Friday Five Good Things


Five good things that happened this week.

1. I decided I would do my week Doodles digitally, and I figured out how to organize them into a file.

2. I got new bird feeders because some of the perches on the old ones had broken.

3. I participated in a virtual sound bath.

4. An appointment I had to cancel in November was rescheduled. I thought I wouldn't get a new appointment until the Spring. There was an opening for 1/17 and I could go to Milford (closer to me) instead of Chestnut Hill (closer to Boston)

5. After a month because of holidays and illness, my usual play day with Teague.

How was your week?


  1. Glad you could get your appointment sooner AND closer!

    1. Me, too, because I have another appointment next week and the doc will have the results

  2. What is a a virtual sound bath? Mixed week here. I learned it´s good to be present in the office now and then.

  3. What was the sound bath like? Something different than just sitting back listening to music??
    * We too are all thankful to be feeling well again
    * Spent time with both grandlittles this past week
    * Plenty of time in the Craftroom just doodling
    * Hubby is caught up in a project in his Shop... the most excited(obsessed) about something i've seen him in a long time.
    *Trying to decide if i want to start some seeds early... Growing those Red Yuccas from seeds was fun...
    Have another great week CJ! Hugs! deb
    **** Wondering if you found the information on headstones interesting... ??

    1. The sound bath is actually meditating while listening to the tones that vibrate to your Chakra points. Yes, I thought I sent you an email thanking your for the article. It was great

  4. That sounds like pleasant days! Very good! 😊👍🏻
    All the best from Austria, Traude

  5. I always like to read your positive end of week post.

  6. I hope your Dr.'s appointment was good news. And I'm curious what a sound bath is. I had a nice week too. Are they saying you might get snow on Sunday?

    1. The doctor's appt. went well and you'll see the sound bath if you visit on Saturday 1/18

  7. We could all do with considering our good fortune and finding five good things. I must try . . .

    1. 10 or so years ago with the aftermath of dealing with my elderly parents, I was seeing things through negative glasses. A friend put up the meme on Jan. 1 write a good thing that happened each day on a slip of paper and put it in a jar. I thought it was a good idea, but I kept a journal. The exercise forced me to look for a positive even when something turned the day pear.

  8. I like your new bird feeders.

    All the best Jan
