Tuesday, January 7, 2025

T Stands for Today Is

a good day to stay inside and to

sip a cup of tea. Maybe to start planning a Summer trip when the warmer weather arrives in 164 days.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.


  1. oh no I don't want to think about how long it will take for warmer weather to appear again, it's so cold here today but not as cold as yours! 13F would be -10C, though we are expecting a -5C starting tomorrow for a few days. You have me beat on indoor temps too, mine is currently 14C which would be 57F - I'm wearing a blanket! Happy T Day and Happy New Year!

    1. I couldn't' tolerate indoor temp that low. Even though we had insulation blown into the Dollhouse, we seem to lose heat. I'd worry that the pipes would burst.

    2. I hate the cold but I can't do much about it at the moment. Hoping to move somewhere better/warmer(this year?)

  2. Your math is way off CJ-- we have 600 days of Winter every year and we're not even 30 days in yet.

  3. I'm shivering just looking at Dickie! 🥶

  4. It's a nice warming scene on your mug - just look and imagine.

    1. Yup, that's Ogunquit Beach one of Teague's and my favorite places to visit.

  5. Brrr, so cold! We've had snow here over the weekend, it looked very pretty and I was pleased we didn't need to travel anywhere but I did manage to persuade my hubby to help me build a snowman ...lol 😄. Wishing you all the very best for 2025 ❤️ . Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. I hope you have a picture of the snowman on your blog

  6. We are lucky that our outdoor temp is a bit higher than yours, but it’s still WINTER!!! And more wintery than for a few years. Enjoy staying inside.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. I will. I usually hibernate at this time of the year

  7. I actually turned my heat on this week since we got to -5F last night. Right now we are at 20F, which is our high for the day. The ice under the snow is making it difficult to do anything outside. Your temps are close to mine, I think. We are both definitely in the deep freeze.

    LOVE that kitty teabag/spoon holder. I'm slightly jealous. Thanks for sharing your mug of tea and holder with us for T this Tuesday, dear CJ.

    Got your card and will open and show it next Tuesday. Squiggles is especially happy. He seldom gets mail!

  8. Brr that is cold. We just had temperatures like that on our trip - I'd rather prefer our much milder winter temps. Your mug is very summery and I like the spoonrest. Happy T day!

    1. The mug is to help me not focus on how cold it really is

  9. This wind is brutal. Your 13 degrees probably feels like 2. Stay warm and drink lots of hot drinks. It sounds like we have this weather for at least a few more days. Hope it was a happy T day.

  10. Oh my dear i thought i was cold at 25F tonight.... brrr... Hugs! deb

  11. I will publish more sunshiny photos tomorrow. Promise! Aloha friends. Hang in there

  12. Oh gosh! So cold! I don't tolerate such cold indoor temperatures. Under 16 degrees C and the heating goes on. Te heater turns itself off when the indoor temp reaches 22 degrees C. Nice and toasty.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. The thermostat is on a timer to come on at 4:30 AM (so it will be warmish when it's time to feed the kitties) when the temp. reaches 70 (21o C) the heater shuts off until it drops below 68 (20o C). I like it toasty too

  13. Yes, let's plan a wonderful warm beach vacation! Maybe thinking of it as we drink our hot tea, we will warm up from all the snow, ice, and freezing temps! Happy belated t day.
