Saturday, January 25, 2025

Happy, Little, Time Waster

* Age backward: 96.  Hmmm, might be better if it was a game level.

* Favorite pie:  Cherry

*Favorite cookie: There are very few cookies I don't like.

* Steak or Seafood: Seafood

* Italian or Chinese: Italian

* Favorite soda:  Pepsi, and I'm partial to ginger ale

* Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

* How many tattoos: 0

* Ever hit a deer: no

*Ever been to a World's Fair: No

*Be the cook or the dishwasher? Cook

* Netflix or Hulu: Netflix

* Last text from:   A user verification code

* Favorite season: Summer

* Broken bones: Nope, though I did have to be on crutches because they couldn't tell if it was just a bad sprain or a hairline, ankle fracture 

* Beach or mountains: Beach

* Dogs or cats: 🐈‍⬛

* Early morning person? No

* Surgeries: 5

* Favorite color: Blue, like Royal Blue, Sapphire

*Indoor or outdoor activity: indoor 

* Have you ever flown on a plane?   Yes

* Fly or drive: Drive

* Mild or hot salsa: mild

* Waffles or pancakes: pancakes 

* Favorite holiday: Halloween

*Favorite time of day: nap time

* Smooth or crunchy peanut butter: 🀒

*  Large or small curd cottage cheese- either, but only if it has pineapple in it

*  Hellman's or Miracle Whip: 🀒

* Thick or thin crust pizza: Yes, please.

*  Country or Rock n Roll:  To quote Bob Seger: Today's music ain't got the same soul. I like that old, time rock n' roll.


  1. I think we would mostly get along well :-)

  2. Interesting questionnaire. I wonder who dreams them up?

    1. The same type of people who answers the questionnaire: someone with too much time on their hands. 😺

  3. I always think these questionnaires are kinda fun! Please correct me if I am wrong, but I think you mean "Bob" Seger? (Old Time Rock and Roll) ; - )

    Have a great weekend, CJ!

    - Kim

    1. Yes. I knew that. I saw Bob Seger in concert. Fingers just have a mind of their own. Thanks for the correction. 😊

  4. Looks like the kitties were helping you with your questions. lol

    Heads butts from me!

    - Kim

  5. You lost me at pineapple in cottage cheese....🀣🀣🀣🀣

    1. 🀣the same way I get lost at pineapple on pizza

  6. These are always fun. Can I actually switch ,my age around to make it 46? Ha ha. Hope it was a good day.

  7. wavez two ewe calli N quill !!!! lookin my tee pawsum awesum in yur N de gurl N joyed yur answerz...lotta de same heer tho de gurl could, and haz, eaten may o naisse rite outta de jar !!!! :) ♥♥
