Friday, January 31, 2025

The Friday Five Good Things

 Five good things that happened this week

1.I got an all clear from the oncologist. I'm taking an estrogen inhibitor and will be monitored.  Target date for the official end of this journey is June 1, 2027

2. Because of the doctor visit on my usual Thursday play day with Teague, she was able to have me over on Friday.

3. Ran an errand with Teague on our play day. We stopped at a new place for lunch Fitzy's Pub in Plainville. I had a grilled crispy chicken wrap and they even grilled the wrap! I've never seen a grilled wrap on a chicken wrap before. Genius, because the grilled wrap kept the sandwich from falling apart.

4. I had lettered a quote on a bedroom wall several years ago for a client. The family moved, and the house is up for sale. They said they left the artwork because they couldn't bare to paint over it. I know the new owners will probably paint over the wall, but it was an ego stroke as to how much the client appreciated the work.

5. I saw the cardinal at the front feeder. Haven't seen the cardinal for quite some time. 

How was your week?


  1. Yay on #1and Yum on #3! And congrats on #4, so sweet.
    My week in one word: Chaotic. I´m glad I have the journal, other it would all be one big blur...
    Have a great Friday, Rexi says hi (second cuppa already).

    1. I'm having my first cuppa. Cheers to you and Rexi

  2. Good news from the oncologist and a great morale booster from your former clients.

  3. Nice week. I hope it is all positive between now and June 1, 2027. My week was good. A quick trip to Mass General so my husband could have some tests, a couple of appointments and a day out at the movies with some friends. and movie theater popcorn for lunch. It's the best. :)

  4. We've had a round of cold weather for about a week so the warm up we are in now feels especially nice... Next week the littlest little is having her first sleepover with Grandma and Grandpa.... She's very much a momma's girl so we'll see if she makes the So happy to hear you had good news from your oncologist... and that you managed to squeeze in a play day... I'm painting unicorn tshirts for the girls for Valentine's Day...Hope it all sticks on there good... I've got a pretty good system... I painted a turtle shirt quite a while ago and its still nice... I add textile medium to regular craft paint.. half and half.. heat set it and it seems to do well... I use stencils but i'd like to get brave enough to just paint... Have another great week CJ! Hugs! deb

  5. thecontemplativecat here. My week has been slow and uneventful. My left leg is weak and gives out on me. Oh well.

  6. So glad you got good medical results

  7. Good news from the oncologist :)

    All the best Jan
