Monday, January 27, 2025

Monet and Me


on the recommendation after wellness visit, are keeping a blood pressure journal. My blood pressure when taken in the office was 165/75 which is pretty close to stroking out. I don't believe the blood pressure was taken correctly. My blood pressure is ticking the high side of normal box, but not high blood pressure.

Still, we will keep the journal as suggested.


  1. Good idea, so long as it doesn't frighten you! 🤣

    1. Nope, doesn't frighten me. As I thought, I'm in the normal range. For blood pressure, that is. 😺

  2. I think it was taken incorrectly too! 😒

    1. Especially since this morning's reading was 119/79. I'm using Himself's blood pressure machine which was calibrated at his doctor's office

  3. I think blood pressure automatically goes up when you go to the doctor... Mine and hubby's does anyway... I bet you'll get much better readings at home... Hugs! deb

  4. I have a friend, her blood pressure is so low, she alarms doctors on a regular basis... Guess and hope all is fine with you!

  5. That doesn't sound like they did take your blood pressure correctly at all. If you don't know one thing that's interesting is that size of the cuff can make a big difference in blood pressure readings. Next time ask them to try a different cuff if your reading is that high. It might help.

  6. A good idea to keep a blood pressure journal.
    Here in the UK many Doctors sometimes ask their patients to do this.

    All the best Jan
