Sunday, January 26, 2025

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Thankfully, the storm held off until we got home from the Emergency Room. Himself wasn't able to put weight on his "good" knee and came home with a walker. Samwise played the role of a boat anchor as Himself couldn't manage to walk around or sit comfortable to control the robot.

I figured it would be a lot faster for me to shovel the driveway by hand than getting up to speed controlling Samwise.

Snail trails

and stairs cleared 

to get the trash out for pick up. After a cup of tea, I went back out to shovel the driveway by hand.

Brrrr (2 oF = -16.66 oC)

Red sky at night

How does your garden grow?


  1. Oh, my lordy. Awful! All the work in such a very cold temps??? Ack! Here it´s that "warm" Ingo made sausages on the balcony! Sending warm vibes to you!

    1. I envy you to be able to cook outside. Mmmm, sausages. (unless they are Blutwurst 🤢)

  2. You need to be careful now - it wouldn't be good for both of you to be incapacitated. I hope your husband's 'bad leg' starts to be good again soon.

  3. Today we'll actually. be above freezing, so a lot of our remaining snow will melt. The weather caught me by surprise earlier in the week - leaving work to an unexpected half inch of snow for which I was not prepared

    1. Ugh, hate that because a normal commute turns into hours

  4. Ouch! Hope Himself's knee gets better soon! (and you warm up from shoveling!)

    1. About his knee, from your fingers to Gawd's eyes

  5. Was this last Sunday night? It looks like we got about the same about, and of course, we didn't get too much melt that past week. Another cold spell coming. AUGH! Even I'm ready for a thaw.

  6. Oh my! I hope your hubby gets back on his feet soon! We had 41 degrees and sunny today ... a rare thing lately.

    - Kim

  7. Hope your hubby's knee feels better soon.
    You did well in the snow but take care.

    All the best Jan
