Sunday, January 5, 2025

How Does Your Garden Grow?

The garden flag for January got put up in time to ring in the New Year

A foggy morning

Blustery winds knocked over the wishing well and brought a dusting of snow

This time, the winds didn't blow the Christmas lights in the tree away. Thanks to the Nephew who secured them well after the last windstorm took the lights down.

How does your garden grow?


  1. It's a shame when the Christmas lights have to come down, especially when you've spent considerable time securing them against the elements!

    1. The lights will probably stay up until Spring. It's too cold to take them down and I can't reach them even if I wanted to. 🤣

  2. We've been having a lot of fog here too. Totally ruined the New Year's Eve fireworks displays in the towns.

  3. My garden is white with snow on top of ice. I am stocked with enough food to make it through this week of subzero temps. Now the boys and I just have to cuddle up for a long winter's nap. We could use Himself's new play toy because there is NO WAY I am shoveling ice and snow until the temps get above freezing.

    1. With the injuries you've had the past month, you shouldn't be shoveling snow. Call your Senior Center to see if someone can help you out. Maybe one of your neighbors? Stay warm and cozy

  4. No snow at my house, but it is cold and it's been windy, windy, windy. For you too?

  5. Yesterday there was a bit snow, today much warmer and rain expected.
    So far the orange star our neighbor has out is still shining.

    1. Knowing the orange star is still shining made me smile

  6. We are expecting the coldest temps of the season tonight and the next few nights will be in the low 20's... brrr... Some frozen precip Wed night -Fri... Stay safe and warm CJ! Hugs! deb

    1. We might be getting some of that precipitation in the form of snow over the weekend.

  7. Many gardens here in the UK are covered in snow!
    Definitely soup weather.

    All the best Jan
