Today saw a lot of progress in the bathroom. Wonderboard, blueboard, cement board or whatever the heck it is called went up. The broom closet door was removed and now there is a wall in the hallway where the door was. The wall to the laundry area was built out to code and the framing for the cabinets was put up. The shower stall also got it's wonder walls and the new shower head installed. Plastic sheeting was put up over the wonder walls so we'll be able to use the shower. I ran to Linen's n' Things and bought an inexpensive, spring-tension, shower rod and liner. Have to wait a bit until the mud on the walls dries, and then I can put up the rod and liner. Holes in the walls were patched.
One small fly in the ointment for today. When the contractor opened up the Swanstone shower wall kit, one of the corner moldings was damaged
The Young One and I took a trip to the bathroom supply to show them and find out when the manufacturer could send us another one. Still haven't heard so that will be first thing on the to do list for tomorrow.
The contractor has a doctor's appointment tomorrow so won't be in to work, but he'll begin building the laundry storage cabinets.
The bathroom is improving.
improving is a good sign
*the bathroom is improving" roflmao!!