Monday, August 9, 2021

Society of Scribes Workshop - Brush Lettering


The Italic Brush Lettering workshop was taught by Massimo Pollelo. I watched the video several times and took notes.  I'm transferring my notes to my art journal using the Sketchnote technique I have mentioned before.

Massimo recommended using a Winsor Newton series 995 3/4 in. flat brush. He liked this brush because it keeps a crisp edge while remaining flexible. I had a Sceptre Gold II 1/4 in. (6mm) flat brush and that's what I used. The brush requires a different grip which was a little awkward to get used to after working with a steel nib for so long. But the awkwardness will fade with practice.


  1. Don't ya' just hate it when you try a technique you know so well, with a new tool, and you feel like a you're using someone else's hands???? Looks like you nailed it though! :D

    1. 😺 That's a good description. In my case it felt like everyone was using a brush and I was using a brick.

  2. Looks like a good course, and a good way to take notes with visual and written information. Have a great day, Valerie

    1. I really like the sketchnote technique for reference.

  3. Lettering - learning lettering and all that entails ..which I really have no idea - looks so interesting. I imagine that course was inspiring.

    1. It was a 45 min. online workshop, well, more like a demonstration. Very inspiring to see a master work with a flat brush.

  4. Fascinating. I've found brushes difficult when trying to do anything precise. You have a lot of talent.

  5. I hope you share your sketch notes. I used to have the kids do these for homework sometimes, taking class notes and making sketch notes from them. So they can be used in lots of situations, and I'd like to see how you do yours. Hope you had a super day.

  6. This is all Greek calligraphy to me (grin)! You are still a genius with whatever tool you are using.
